‘..So where are the demonstrations against Iran and Qatar? Come to that, where are the marches against Islamist slaughter in Syria and kidnapped schoolgirls in Africa?
Or, for that matter, the mass protests against Russia’s annexation of Crimea or Putin’s sponsorship of terrorism in Ukraine?
The Stop The War crowd are myopically selective in their indignation.
They’ll overlook all manner of atrocities in the Muslim world and in the former Soviet bloc, but become incandescent with fury when Israel exercises its inalienable right to self-defence.
Underlying all this is a nasty streak of anti-semitism, the unholy alliance between the self-styled ‘liberal’ Left and stone-age Muslim headbangers, which I exposed in a Channel 4 documentary a few years ago…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The Leftist/Progressive/Socialist Axis in full alliance with the Fascist Islamists – the SCUM OF THE EARTH
Oh, for the DAY when we can kill the bastards
If anybody doubts that the left are the enemy, doubts their utter unscrupulousness and dishonesty, I’d point them to this post by Andrew Bolt:
Does anyone here know much about the relationship between the NAZIs and the Palestinians of the 1930s? I understand they may have been as one relative to the extermination of Jews? Is this correct?
I know muslims and the Nazis considered themselves to be allies, Cad, and worked together during WW2. But I don’t know the details.
Yes. Hitler’s Imam was Haj Amin al-Husseini. It was he who encouraged the “final solution”, constantly pushing Adolf to exterminate all European Jews. He was one of the fathers of the moslem brotherhood, which owns the current POTUS.
‘Al Husseini found the Nazis to be a strong ideological match with his anti-Jewish brand of Islam, and schemed with Hitler and the Nazi hierarchy to create a pro-Nazi pan-Arabic form of government in the Middle East.
Dr. Serge Trifkovic documents the similarities between Al Husseini’s brand of radical Islam and Nazism in his book The Sword of the Prophet. He noted parallels in both ideologies: anti-Semitism, quest for world dominance, demand for the total subordination of the free will of the individual, belief in the abolishment of the nation-state in favor of a “higher” community (in Islam the umma or community of all believers; in Nazism, the herrenvolk or master race), and belief in undemocratic governance by a “divine” leader (an Islamic caliph, or Nazi führer).’
Thanks to you and GG. Interesting stuff!
Checked your email, Gantt?
Yep, just got it. Sorry- for some reason my phone stopped telling me when emails come in! Serves me bloody right I guess, for buying a phone from a fruit company.
Codling moth. Does it every time.
There were a couple of Muslim SS divisions operating the Balkans.
Were these divisions locally sourced or drawn from Palestine? I suppose if Germany had won the war……would the non-Aryan Palestinians met a fate of subordination or even extermination?
The were local. Hitler had Arabs somewhere near the Jews in his order of things.
What underlying streak of anti-semitism! It’s an in your face hatred of Jews. Roll back the clock a couple of decades and these leftist curs would be the ones pushing Jews into cattle trucks.
I’ll bet the bastards brag about this