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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Top Secret Codeword
Reminds me of the Cold War stamp I used on messages to be sent by the Communication Center back in the teletype days:
“Top Secret Handle Via COMINT Channels Only US/UK/CA/AU/NZ Eyes Only”
I remember that too.
They probably sent an un-encrypted copy to Burgess and McLean, too.
Proper music for the Panzerwagen-
J.S.Bach Brandenburg Concerto No 3 new version by Voices of Music.Their best yet
Both very nice. Thank you, gentlemen.
Talking about fine German Panzer type craft… I have recently purchased a 3.6 Volkswagen C.C. which is petrol driven and turns 220kw. It moves like a hungry leopard. It is a freshened-up model of the VW R36 which had the same power-train. I believe I could race across Poland in a morning and make Moscow by nightfall. (The other highly salient feature is that it is about $35K cheaper than a 3.2 Audi.)
Lovely car, Cad.
…and you have no idea how dangerous I am in it!
As a man oughta be.
Ritt der Walküren
Sorry,everytime I hear that song I think of this
I always think of the chopper scene from “Apocalypse Now”.
So, who is the villain in this piece? And who the victim?
All participants are idiots, including the quacking tart masquerading as a reporter.
I don’t agree, Cad. Have you ever lived close to people like the little asshole doing burnouts?
Lowlifes who succeed in making everyone’s life a misery, while the police do nothing in response to complaints.
The guy who shot at the car was obviously driven over the edge.
The neighbours getting together and trashing the cockroach’s car would have been a better solution, but “better solution” isn’t something at the forefront of someone’s mind after being woken for the umpteenth time by this sort of behaviour.
Sorry about the above I was stranded on the wrong thread and jumbled. I see the NZ Police C’sr has apologized to the Urewera savages today…I don’t get that!
“Stranded and jumbled”? Been there….
I sure did see that. And posted on it.
Yes I now see you have posted on the Police apology…what a crock!
All it’ll do is make the bastards even more arrogant and lawless. I’ve viewed a transcript of the telephone intercepts, and there’s no doubt at all that they were guilty as hell.
“Don’t bother arguing about rights with the Left. Save your breath and keep your powder dry. The hour of decision will soon be upon us.”
The peerless Francis W. Porretto
Great Minds Think Alike
The common media wisdom today is that O’Bummer wants the Republicans to Impeach him, as this will unite the base of the Democommie Party, and they will swept the November Congressional election.
I disagree.
This goal is too modest for the Great One.
I totally agree with John Voight – President Hussein wants to start a U.S. Civil War II that he thinks he’ll easily win.
But then Hitler believed that Russia was a rotten house and all he had to do was kick in the door and the whole structure would fall down.
As Remus says, these bastards start believing their own propaganda after a while…..
O’Bummer lives inside a bubble just like Hitler and Stalin – nothing but ass kissers and servants around him, and he sees/reads/hears is nothing but party propaganda.
Also, the lack of Republican resistance means O’Bummer thinks he can get away with more and more, and when he does, he goes further and further off the reservation.
Therefore, it’s not a question of “if” President Hussein goes that “Bridge Too Far” and gets his clock cleaned – but when.
“Therefore, it’s not a question of “if” President Hussein goes that “Bridge Too Far” and gets his clock cleaned – but when.”
I hope to hell you’re right, Ronbo.
The question is, my friend, what *is* that bridge too far? Armed agents of the regime attempting to intimidate individual citizens out of their private property? Facilitating/enabling/encouraging the invasion of the nation by an army of people who will never, ever be anything other than a further drain on the economy? Deliberately tanking the economy? Destroying the military?
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
Your forebears had a far lower tolerance for tyranny and bullshit than you.
And, BTW, I say that as someone living in a Parliamentary Dictatorship, which has had a century-long love affair with collectivism.
Seems the guards decided a bit of real justice was forthcoming :
That’s justice, instead of “law”.
KG, here’s something for that new gun of yours (H/T ‘Further North’ on a fly fishing bulletin board)
I hope they start marketing it in Oz and NZ, Michael.
(Although in Oz Liberals are towards the right on the political spectrum).
Still, some of us would get the joke.