‘Marine’s lawyers seek new judge in war crime case
CAMP PENDLETON, California (AP) Attorneys for a Marine being retried on a murder charge in a major Iraq war crime case have asked a judge to remove himself, saying he’s incapable of being impartial and objective.
The judge, Marine Capt. Andrew Henderson, rejected the claims during a hearing that began Thursday and continues Friday for Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins III at Camp Pendleton, north of San Diego.
The Marine Corps has again charged Hutchins in the 2006 killing of an unarmed Iraqi policeman in the village of Hamdania after the military’s highest court overturned his murder conviction last year.
Civilian defense attorney Chris Oprison said the Marine should not be retried.
Oprison on Thursday asked Henderson to remove himself after the judge denied a request to force the Marines to provide internal communications about Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ preparations for news interviews in which the case was discussed….’
Sgt Hutchins is yet another soldier being hung out to dry by the brass to suit their political affiliations/agendas/ambitions. They are the bastards who should be on trial here.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The Navy has really gone to hell under Mabus,it’s as big a circus act as the WH these days.If the JAG office was populated by career combat vets this would have never happened.I even doubt it would brought more than a reprimand the first go around.But under the stern leadership of the Pentagon Chairforce we have this travesty.
At least there was some good news today,Sgt Tahmooressi has finally been released-
$20Billion,no need to worry,pocket change really