From this issue:
Loss of legitimacy is the only condition necessary for a government to fall. And illegitimacy doesn’t bring itself into being. Although deployed largely through the so-called “deep” or “permanent” government, illegitimate governance has become conspicuous enough to warrant explanation, the most prominent being the ‘living document’ theory of the Constitution but, as we move further into the suburbs of calamity, artful pretexts have been largely abandoned in favor of indifference. Consider this carefully: illegitimate governance—exercising power outside its charter—is understood as such by the populace and conceded by DC. Constitutional constraints calculated to prevent this; the judiciary, elected representation, the protected news media, inalienable rights, enumerated powers and various avenues of redress have failed or are failing because constitutional constraints cannot work in an unconstitutional regime…’
This is a sad day for a lot of us. Remus is about the best blogger out there and will be sorely missed, dammit.
Now I’m going out to the shed to hit stuff with a hammer.
With this sort illegitimate government attitude is what will bring about the revolution. (As a side note, the University that held the conference and posted the video has pulled it).
don’t know why he is leaving- I will miss his insights VERY much-
It’s sad, Carol.
Savoring every last paragraph here.
Thought this was interesting-
Also the one about Germany quietly building a European army.Wonder if the Germans and Russians will throw down again if Putin gets frisky?
I don’t believe German youth would have the appetite for it, Darin.
I don’t think the Russian youth are up for it either,but you know how alcohol and a cause can work together.
And propaganda…
Another bloody war between Germany and Russia would be suicide for both sides.
Demographics tell the tale – both Germany and Russia have fallen WAY below the replacement level needed to stay viable as a nation, which is 2.1 children per couple.
Therefore, in the next 100 years both nations may disappear Hard to believe, heh? But true – check it out on the Internet if you don’t believe me…Ditto Japan, Ditto Europe…Ditto the Muslim World…Ditto even China where forced abortions and one child per couple policy may give that well populated nation a death warrant in the next several generations.
In fact, aside from some very poor third world countries there are only TWO first world countries where the birth rate is at replacement levels: America and Israel.
The reason is religion: In the case of America it’s Christianity and Israel it’s Judaism and the feeling among the majority of their respective populations that these nations have a special mission given to them by God; that they are EXCEPTIONAL.
The world is committing suicide…The Muslim world has gone absolutely ape and is busy killing off its last baby boom generation – It is lost the battle with modernism, but has decided to go down with its flags flying and suicide bombers booming.
Russia is doomed but has apparently decided to move West and confront its old enemies in one last grand battle as a means of suicide.
Dittto China…busy building fleets and armies with visions of conquest in their eyes…but the real deal is suicide by war.
This is the real reason a dying world hates America and Israel – because both nations have said by majority vote, “We Want To Live “
Requiem Time.
Woodpile is/was a top-shelf blog and leaves a gaping empty place in the formation.