‘Men who want to be pregnant
There are thousands of men in the Mpreg community who share images, videos and roleplay fantasies about male pregnancy.’
Castrate the wastes of space.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Enough old men look pregnant with beer bellies that this is unnecessary
speak for yerself!
You read http://www.essentialmums.co.nz/ ?
Nope, I find the whole premise that site’s based on nauseating, Mawm. But the headline caught my eye…..
The headline caught his eye mawm, he doesn’t go in there, haha.
I went to check it out from your link, but it doesn’t want to take me there.
Link fixed.
Hmmm……caught his eye. Probably went there looking for MILF’s and found a bunch of neutered metro-sexuals.
They should try living on nothing but freeze-dried food for a month. Not the same as giving birth when the bowels finally move, but they would get the general idea.
Or load up with Diastop before a job and wait a week afterwards……
We were blessed with a few dozen cases of MRE’s after Hurricane Katrina.They were not that bad really,so long as you drank a pint of water before and after.
We also were blessed with a case of battle rations.They resembled Masonite Lap Siding in both dryness and texture……but Masonite tastes better.
And is probably more nutritious.
I’ve been screwed so many times by the federal government that I should be knocked up
This reminds me of something I read about six years ago; big news about a man in the U.S. being pregnant. It turned out “he” was a former woman who had undergone a sex change, but ccontrary to regular practice, her ovaries, uterus and vagina were left in place. Why? Who knows? I assume male organs were added as well. The male hormones had given it broad shoulders and facial hair, so this chemically and surgically mutilated person was strutting around telling everyone it was a man, and being all manly in it’s blue undershirt, tight jeans and engineer boots. Then it decided to get pregnant, (and I don’t even want to think about how), so it was all big news. A pregnant man! A man get’s pregnant! I read about it on the net and in a newspaper and people were so stupid they were lapping it up and believing in this “miracle.” Now, as miraculous as the birth of any child may be, the truth is, there are two types of people in this world: Those born with ovaries and a uterus, and those born without them. Nature is sexist that way, and no amount of affirmative action is going to change it. So, this person was born among the demographic that comes with a uterus, i.e. a woman, and chose to pretend otherwise, and then got pregnant, like the majority of women do, so there was really nothing miraculous about it all. It was all about nothing, yet kind of twisted in it’s own way.
Even in hard times, there’s never a shortage of idiots, Phil.