The fine commenters at CR.
50,004 comments to date. We don’t keep track of visitors any more, but they are many thousands per month. CR is blessed with an exceptional group of regular commenters and I owe you all a big “thank you”.
And don’t forget, if there’s anything you’d like done differently here, let me know.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
Recent Comments
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Anonymous on No, Jimmy Carter was a horrible president
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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And in turn KG, many thanks to you for keeping a warm fire well stoked up, and a goodly stock of beer in the fridge. It’s always a pleasure to drop by, even if many times I don’t say much ‘cos the conversation is already buzzing.
I for one much appreciate the company of people I consider my extended family
Thank *you*, KG, for providing such a welcoming place for us!
It’s great to have a corner of the ‘net where I can let off steam about the utter evils of socialism and Islam that are stuffing up what used to be a wonderful world (and could be again if the people of the UK and Europe “grew a pair”….. ).
You’re very welcome, Tranquil. No blog is much fun without interesting people commenting and talking among themselves. The zero-tolerance approach to trolls and leftists means we can have some disagreements and let off steam without the clowns dragging it down to their level.
I agree with Tranquil KG. In return I offer you this gift.
hahahaha! A fine gift, Michael. Thank you.
“I for one much appreciate the company of people I consider my extended family”
Me too Darin.
Age and other concerns has meant I don’t contribute here as much these days.
I am content to shuffle in, sit in the corner and listen to others.
Long may it continue.
Thank you KG and all of you I am proud to call kin.
MvL! Good to see you.