‘Giving Up On Black America’

‘..Just as the Chinese have flooded our markets with cheap, flimsy products, progressive education has flooded our nation with cheap, uninformed minds..’
…it was Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012 that helped to confirm my worst suspicions about black America.
In spite of lingering double-digit black unemployment, increasing black homelessness, food pantries with block long lines, inner-city schools that were still failing to meet even nominal standards of proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and headline news levels of racial strife, blacks still gave Barack Obama 93% of their vote..’    HERE

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2 Responses to ‘Giving Up On Black America’

  1. tranquil says:

    An *outstanding* column.

    I’m spending more and more of my time over at the American Thinker website. It’s an absolute gem.