‘..As free societies, we allow immigrants into our countries at alarming rates; we open our borders and make concessions to accommodate the cultural demands of minority groups. But once Muslims gain the upper hand, they undermine our Judeo-Christian values, as seen in Lebanon..’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I recall encountering a youngish Lebanese christian some years ago, he owned a business in Wellington. He mentioned that the Muslims wrecked his country but was of a view the civil war was stage managed from outside the borders – I can’t recall which country he blamed but Syria rings a bell. I also recall him being amazed at the taxes in NZ, even your saving’s interest got taxed. Welcome to the west I guess.
I think Britain will fight the Muslims at the end of the day, as will Europe, and many will be forced back to the Middle East.
I wish I had your optimism there Ronbo.
I just see the Brits and Europeans (Eurabians) as utterly craven cowards.
I don’t think that even a dozen UK equivalents of Beslan would rouse them from their slumber.
As long as “Coronation Street” is on the telly and the local pub has beer, they don’t seem to give a damn what’s happening to their country.
I think the biggest cowards of all are the militaries of the UK and Europe.
They have the weapons but they’ve been completely brainwashed and dhimmified.
Oh for a Charles Martel of the 21st century.
I hadn’t seen this before but it is certainly encouraginghttp://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/11/the_middle_east_from_here.html
Of course our idiot elites will insist on importing these poor,starving,uneducated,worthless,murdering parasites to the west by the boatloads