Francis Porretto nails it.

As usual.
‘…In light of the above, anything you hear from a political source about “net neutrality,” “illegal in-kind campaign contributions,” or other denigrations of the free and open Internet should be regarded as hostile propaganda, aimed at destroying the Right’s bastions in the last medium open to the free exchange of ideas. Any suggestion that Internet communications, whether textual or by audio or video, should be regulated must be resisted fiercely. This must be our last stand, for once we have been separated from one another, our effective capacity to resist further encroachments on our remaining liberty will dwindle to nothing.  (bold mine. KG)
…The Left has lost the battle over private ownership of firearms. Its grip on American education is slipping as we speak. The fight over communications freedom is its “Battle of the Bulge,” its win-or-die engagement. Let’s make it “die.”…’

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8 Responses to Francis Porretto nails it.

  1. tranquil says:

    “Its grip on American education is slipping as we speak.”

    Great stuff – good to hear that!

    I’ve heard a *lot* about the success of *charter schools* in the US. I guess I would be right in assuming that their curricula would be right-leaning? I think they must be.
    I imagine that most charter schools would not support “political correctness” at all so that would be a big help.

    • Darin says:

      From what I have seen they aren’t right or left,they just teach facts and the teachers are either non-union or are hired via a performance contract.A far improvement over the status quo.

      One of the criminal acts committed by liberals is their on going efforts to deny education to black Americans.When the residents of black communities get the chance to send their kids to charter schools the response is overwhelming.They know the public schools in their neighborhoods are garbage and they line up around the block for a chance to get their kids a seat in a charter school.

      This is also one issue that Republicans can champion where black folks will listen and support them,but sadly none have ever really tried.

      • tranquil says:

        “This is also one issue that Republicans can champion where black folks will listen and support them,but sadly none have ever really tried.”

        Amazing! That just seems *crazy* (that none have tried)!

        The GOP really *should* put charter schools at the front of their policy list for the election.
        Given that such schools are wildly popular (often with people in poor (Dem.) areas), it would seem a great way to undermine the Democrat vote.

  2. Ronbo says:


    I told you so!

    This is just another case of Obama doubling down when faced with defeat!

    We can expect more of these assaults against liberty in the next two years – a wounded beast is the most dangerous one.

    Relax :!: I don’t this assault against the free Internet is not going to be successful at the end of the day. Ditto Obama’s attack on private medical care. Ditto Obama’s attack on the coal industry, etc, etc, etc.

    …and speaking of the Battle of Bulge, I see an ominous parallel between Hitler’s last desperate attack against the Western Civilization and Obama’s latest series of assaults – a last roll of the dice to stop a victorious army.

    After all, many experts think that the 2014 election defeat of the Democrat Party was the Gettysburg Moment that marked the high tide of the Progressive Movement in America.

  3. Darin says:

    Oh,I was thinking today if the Republicans do what I think they are going to do on amnesty (screw us over) then now would be the time for an Article V amendment to the Constitution.

    First up should be hard term limits.

    Second abolish the IRS,and repeal the 16th Amendment.

    Third abolish the current SCOTUS and replace it with Ten Justices from ten newly created districts each consisting of five states.The new justices to be elected to a four year term with a two term lifetime limit.

  4. KG says:

    “Third abolish the current SCOTUS and replace it with Ten Justices from ten newly created districts each consisting of five states.The new justices to be elected to a four year term with a two term lifetime limit.”

    • Ronbo says:

      Be it peaceful or bloody, a revolution is brewing in this country, and if the GOP won’t do the job they were hired to do a couple weeks ago, namely to stop Obama and socialism, they will find themselves out in the cold and kicked to the curb like patriots did to the old Whig Party back in 1854.

      In fact, before the dust settles both the Democrat and Republican parties may find themselves banned….It all depends on how this deal shakes out…If it comes to revolution – In ten years time the major players today will be half forgotten footnotes in the history books.

      To the victors belong the spoils – and the history books. :mrgreen: