‘..The West does not have a religious conflict with Islam. But Islam as currently followed by a bulk of Muslims surely has a religious conflict with the West, and any attempt to obscure that truth will end with more dead Westerners. Obsequious Western leaders, like President Obama, who pretend that the anti-Israel conflict is all about territorial boundaries, or that the Iranian desire for nuclear weapons is about balance of power, or that ISIS’ drive throughout the Middle East is about economic dislocation, lend support to those who seek to destroy the West in the name of Allah.’ Link
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Wrote an e-mail to a friend today on this topic. FWIW:
. . . then there is the utter lie, that “the majority of Palestinians” want peace. No, not true. This is more complete bullshit not merely as to Palestinians, but completely untrue as to most Muslims in that area of the world, who view the destruction of the Jews as a religious commandment. The Muslims make no effort to hide the ball on that. It is only in the West where the left deliberately lies to cover it up.
And let there be no doubt why. Despite what should be obvious to any rational person, the Western left doesn’t see Islam as a real threat at the moment. They see Islam through a Marxian lens, where the Muslims are legitimately oppressed, not merely by the evil West but by Israel also. As such, Muslim grievances are understandable. The left deliberately overlooks Muslim doctrines and religious motivation, simply because they don’t understand it. Obama is the perfect example. After 9-11-01, he wrote that the root cause of Muslim terrorism was lack of jobs and opportunities, despite the fact that most Muslim terrorists are educated and middle to upper middle class. Obama has maintained to the present day that he can negotiate with Iran because the mad Mullahs are rational by Western standards (something strongly contested by most Iranian experts, and including Bernard Lewis). And to this day, Obama claims that all terrorism arising out of the Middle East is done by Muslims who are completely corrupting their faith. That could not be further from the truth. The terrorists to a man (and woman) are the true believers in all the doctrines of their faith – and that faith, particularly the Wahhabi Salafi and Khomeinist variant of twelver Islam – is triumphalist, racist and bloody to a degree most people in the West cannot comprehend. Nonmuslims in the west cannot conceive of the fact that, per Muslim doctrine, they are third class citizens who the Muslim faith commands its adherents to slaughter or enslave. Islam, alone among the major religions, does not have any variant of the Golden rule.
As a result of the Marxian lenses, the Western left sees Islam not as a threat, but as an indispensable ally. The left lets them in the door to the West and that does two things. One, it buys the left a reliable voting bloc. Two, Islam, like the left itself, is an implacable enemy of Christianity and wants to remove it from its role as a foundation of Western society. And Islam gets something out of it too. Besides helping to deconstruct Western society, Islam’s allies on the left support the ever growing movement to delegitimize Israel. It is a truly Faustian deal. And, of course, ultimately a suicidal one for the West. . . .
That’s about the best summary I’ve seen, GW. Thanks for that.
Actually both Islam and the European chapter of Western Civilization are together in a suicide pact – demographics tell the tale – By 2100 many European nations will not exist because their birthrates have fallen below the 2.1 replacement level necessary for a nation to survive.
The Islamic suicide bomber and terrorist are a back door admission by Islam that Muslims have become a death cult that has lost its battle with modernism and has decided to go out of existence with a bang.
Islam also faces the demographic collapse. This is something the world has never seen before in one generation. In many Muslim countries like Iran the birthrate have fallen to the level of 1.6 or lower. This means that Iran will join Western Europe in the graveyard of nations by 2100.
Yes, I’m aware of the seemingly endless young males Muslims of today willing to throw their lives away in hopeless attacks against the modern era. However, these males are the crest of the Muslim baby boom when women had 6 or 7 children. The new Muslim generation produces one baby or none, which spells death for Muslim nations like Iran in two or three generations.
The picture is very different for devout Christians and Jews who have long come to grips with modernism, where families of two or more children is not uncommon, because they believe life has meaning; whereas, the death cults of Islam and Socialism are anti-life.
Indeed, the meek shall inherit the earth.