Open house.

And I’m sure CR readers will enjoy this

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47 Responses to Open house.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    The harpies that castigated the poor guy are probably the same ones who march screaming that women should be allowed to wear any clothes (or as few) as they want without being judged as trollops.

    • KG says:

      Yep. I see a guy called Zuckerberg was asked why he always wears grey t-shirts, and his answer was that he had more important things to worry about than fashion.
      Now the harpies are foaming at the mouth because they claim he was implying that women are obsessed with trivia……
      These clowns need to get a life.

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    So many things you can be pissed off about and they pick that…

  3. tranquil says:

    This is the t-shirt message I’d wear if I wanted to make the harpies go ballistic –

    “You say I’m an Islamophobe like it’s a *bad* thing…..” :twisted:

  4. dondiego says:

    I saw this link, chuckled, and thought “Bog Admin’s gonna love this”:

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Dude landed a probe on a fucking comet. He’d be quite within his rights to tell them to FUCK RIGHT OFF!

    In fact, any dude who managed to get out of bed this morning would be quite within his rights to tell them that.

    • KG says:

      Quite so. I was very disappointed – nay, disgusted – by his tearful apology.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Yup. Well and truly pussified. Damn shame.

      • Oswald Bastable says:

        Made me wonder exactly what pressure were brought upon him…

        Funding cuts?

        • KG says:

          The must have been something. Surely nobody is that spineless. Maybe he was just tired.

          • Darin says:

            I forget who said it,but I tend to agree,a man should only accept the criticism of his peers,I don’t think his critics rise to that level by a long shot.

            The rule here is when facing one of these type sniveling attacks,don’t try to deflect it,meet it head on with battle axe .

  6. KG says:

    Bloody gales! :evil: Two weeks of almost non-stop 90 to 100 kmh Westerlies.

  7. Odakyu-sen says:

    “A man being treated for drinking petrol was killed after he jumped from an ambulance and into the path of a truck in the Hawkes Bay, police say.”–Herald

    Gee, that was one hell of a bad trip…!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Well whatever the fine (prison is very, very unlikely for the protected species), you’ll get a warm feeling way down deep inside knowing you’re paying it via your taxes into their welfare, which they then (maybe) use to pay the fine.

  8. George Romero says:

    The shirt , i want one NOW!!!! te warehouse? :twisted:

  9. Ronbo says:

    I think the shirt was in piss poor taste and the scientist’s tats – UGH :!: I wonder if he read Ray Bradbury’s sci-fi book “The Illustrated Man” as a child and tried to become HIM as an adult?

    But like Jefferson said famously, “That which does not break my bones, or pick my pocket is no concern to me.”

    So it’s very telling that the scientist was attacked from the Left over his manner of dress and tats; whereas, we on Right, true to our Jeffersonian roots, had nothing to say about that which mattered nothing to us, but gave the man two thumbs up for his brilliant work in landing a spacecraft on a COMET :!:

  10. Ronbo says:

    I hope Obama understands this means civil war:

  11. KG says:

    You don’t say..
    ‘Horror: Woman Sexually Assaulted, Beaten, And Set on Fire In Wichita Park
    According to police, the victim described the assailant as a black man…

  12. Tom says:

    A 23 year old Hamilton has been suspended for having sex with 2×17 year old pupils.The guys have been offered counsouling.Jeez kids these days are a lot of wimps.

    • KG says:

      Counselling? I had an affair with my art teacher when I was 15 and counted myself very fortunate. She was gorgeous and funny and kind.
      Wherever you are now, Miss B, thank you. :mrgreen:

      • Ronbo says:

        I beat you :!:

        When I was 14 I had an affair with my 16 year old babysitter :!: :mrgreen:

        We very likely would have got away with it had we not used the parental bed one night and left it a mess when the folks got back from the movie early.

        I got the razor strap and the threat I’d be sent to the vet and be fixed if I’d knocked my amor up, the babysitter got fired and ratted out to her parents, who reacted in the time tested manner and sent her to a Catholic high school, where the nuns beat the devil out of her. :mrgreen:

  13. Ronbo says:

    The drift to U.S. Civil War II continues…Drudge Headlines:

    Obama announces action on immigration…
    Networks To Snub Speech?
    Will air during Latin Grammys…
    TONIGHT: Dines with Dems to explain; NO REPUBLICANS…
    ‘Slap in face’…
    SESSIONS: ‘Emperor’…
    DHS: Brace for New Surge…
    Bachmann: Turning ‘illiterate’ immigrants into Dem voters…
    ‘Throwing nation into crisis’…
    Texas Plans Suit…
    CRUZ: Obama Not Monarch…
    SCHLAFLY: Modern-day ‘Fort Sumter’…
    Sheriffs: ‘Destruction of Democracy’…
    Illegals flooding attorneys’ offices with calls…
    TUMULTY: Will pose political challenges for both parties…

    • KG says:

      I sincerely hope it all blows up in the bastard’s face. :evil:

      • mawm says:

        As it surely will. He and his handlers are going to push through whatever they can of their socialist agenda while they still can…….and the American people are going to push back.

        I think Ferguson will blow up next week because Americans are sick of his racism, and because they are sick of the tolerance shown towards affirmative shopping and the accompanying violence. I won’t be surprised if we see some kinetic lead. And once that starts it’ll be a free for all throughout the States wherever there is an uprising.

  14. KG says:

    ‘Open Rebellion’: Chaos if Republicans Don’t Withhold Funding for Obama Executive Amnesty

    ‘WASHINGTON — Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama´s executive order on immigration Thursday. “The country´s going to go nuts, because they´re going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it´s going to be a very serious situation,” Coburn said on Capital Download. “You´re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.” ‘

    • Ronbo says:

      I could see civil war happening a long way down the road – my first prediction was made in 2005 – and it would appear America is on the edge of rebellion by the silent majority with the twin crisis of Ferguson and the legalization of illegal aliens about to happen at the same time.

      The Left will not back down…The Right will not back down…The constitution has become little more than a historical document…On massive violence can determine the shape of things to come. :evil:

  15. Ronbo says:

    The American Republic ends in less than 8 hours, and everyone knows it, but no one will do anything. This is January 30, 1933 once again, the day when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and the Storm Troopers marched in torch light parade thru downtown Berlin. Tonight the Left will be in celebration…No word about a torch light parade with Storm Troopers, however… :cry: