Somehow I don’t think they’ve thought this through…..
‘New domestic violence law will outlaw coercive control
Theresa May expected to unveil plans to put psychological and emotional abuse on a par with domestic violence..’
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
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Ah, MEN.
How about women who use sex as blackmail? Are they not equally guilty?
[insert Tui ad here]
Of course they are. But guess who the police will choose not to charge?
Smell the outrage…..
I found out something last night that shocked me, but explains what’s going on. Mikhail Gorbachev wrote up the Earth Charter. So that would just be about the environment, right? Uh uhh.
Look at what it says under section 15, animal rights. It talks about animals as having rights as living beings. This explains the whole vegan movement. Now look at section 12, and then 11. It talks about protecting women and girls, calling that gender equality. Then says no discrimination. So let’s get this straight when their is no violence towards women that will be gender equality, no matter what women do to men.
This explains the Human rights commission. I tried to file a complaint against the white ribbon society a year ago, for being discriminatory against men. I looked at all the categories, of discrimination and found that discrimination against men didn’t exist as a category, so I couldn’t file my complaint.
Men I’m telling you, don’t expect the legal system to protect you. At the moment, the way I’m thinking is the only way I can protect myself, is to be sure they won’t use emotional blackmail . I analyse how a woman deals with her disappointment, and if she uses emotional blackmail she’s unsuitable.
At the moment that seems to be my only protection. At least that’s the way things are going. Now here’s the other thing, those women who lied about me, were the most sexually loose. Those who had a broken heart and didn’t get nasty had strong morals. So maybe the way I’m going is very judgemental, but with the way the legal system is going, I don’t see much choice, in the matter, until and unless legislation changes.
Best course is to be brutally honest with them.I had one female acquaintance through work who kept hinting that we should go out.In conversation and in having dealt with her for several years I knew she and I were not at all compatible.She is a shallow,inconsiderate drama queen and even though she is physically very attractive I am as attracted to her as a magnet is to plastic.I told her as much to her face and even though she was pissed for a couple weeks I figure it’s better she be pissed off now than a few years from now when she had a marriage license to rape me in court with.If that tactic means being a bachelor the rest of my life,so be it.Women these days are like parking spots,the good ones are already taken and the rest are handicapped.
American women are wondering where all the men have gone and why it’s so hard to find a husband.Humm….. gee I wonder why
“Women these days are like parking spots,the good ones are already taken and the rest are handicapped. ”
Quote of the week.
I keep repeating myself – rent, don’t buy. If enough men did that there would be plenty pretty little gold diggers having to earn a living on their backs. No more headaches, “withholding sex” games, etc.
Yes Darin, you have the idea, and what’s more if enough people find out its because of the license, then maybe things will change . Yes that’s right Mawm, a family home is for the family, if the court awards the woman to look after the child, you won’t be having access to it. Maybe that’s another way we could win.
When enough people find out the family home is only theirs as long as the woman is perfectly happy, we might start to invest in businesses that develop new products. Then the real estate agents might lobby the government to make changes, if only enough people were to find out .