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Taking out the trash since 1940.
The SAS was the model for American special ops starting in WW II – It is nice to see they are still very lethal to the enemy.
Say KG, don’t the Aussies shoot pigs from dirt bikes? MAybe the Brits are just copying you.
I think the OzSAS used quads before the Brits, Michael.
Awesome news!
Meanwhile in Obamaland,the USAF is being hollowed out-
Jimmy Carter repeated – the same thing happened in the late 1970s. I remember pulling Staff Duty NCO at the HQ at Ft.Meade in 1977 and needing an Army staff car to run documents down to the Pentagon.
I called up the motor pool to get a car and driver – both were available, however, the motor pool had used up its rationed gasoline for the month, so they couldn’t help me. I ended up using my personal vehicle to do the job.
Also, cancelled for several years at Ft. Meade were the weapon qualifications – The Army didn’t have the money to buy ammunition for training non combat troops like us. I could go on and on…helicopters not flying…no fuel…Navy ships tied up to the wharf…no funds for fuel and crews.
Then there was the pay situation, from 1976 to 1980 the military wages were frozen – and this at a time of raging inflation. This was bad enough, but then one fine payday we didn’t get paid at all I don’t remember what the deal was, but the government stiffed us big time. We did get that check later, but many of the military families living off base had to go to the Salvation Army and charities to put food on the table.
I can remember the cars lining the main road to Ft. Meade on many 1970s paydays that had run out of gas, because the G.I.s off base had not made the check last long enough to buy a gallon of gas to pick up their pay at HQ.
So it’s the same old shit anytime Democrats get in charge – the only budget that gets cut is the military.