for Kiwis. But I doubt even this will wake them up:
‘A report by New Zealand’s intelligence watchdog Cheryl Gwyn has found attack blogger Cameron Slater requested and published politically damaging material about former Labour Leader Phil Goff from the SIS after being instructed to ask for the material by Prime Minister John Key’s staff…’ Link (bold mine)
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I don’t know KG, the Herald is a left wing rag and Slater has faced similar accusations before without anyone being able to properly substantiate them. Have you asked Cameron about this? Might be a good idea before going further. Don’t get me wrong, I think Key is far left of what many (including me) wish he was.
The article seems to be aimed at the PM’s office rather than that slimeball Slater, Michael. And even the Herald couldn’t keep a lid on the Inspector’s findings forever.
The real offence here is the PM’s office using information held by the SIS to attack a political opponent.
I wouldn’t ask Slater the time of day – in my view he’s contemptible. And Phil ‘holding hands with Arafat’ Goff is no better.
“The real offence here is the PM’s office feeding to their pet lap-blogger information held by the SIS to attack a political opponent.”
And yes, a pox on all their houses. Key, Goff, Slater, Ede, Tucker, Hager. They’re all rabid dogs and should be put down.
Love him or hate him, Cam is the go to guy. He has connections.
I see the article is sandwiched in between “Lorde’s AMA lipstick stunner” and “Singers shocking mesh dress”, so maybe a few of the chattering classes will accidentally come upon it.
I agree with KG, they’re all tarred with the same deceitful progressive amoral brush. Key, Goff, Slater, Eade, Tucker, de Joux. In my humble opinion there is not one brave and honest person amongst the whole lot of them.
You either shrug and say “It’s just politics” or view the entire cast and crew as corrupt and immoral.
Slater and his fag mates banned GR from the blog that i had supported for years.
I gave fatty the heads up from all his eariy detractors and pete the cu=t banned me.
I’m a bitter bastard and they can all get fucked!