America’s friends sing her anthem

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3 Responses to America’s friends sing her anthem

  1. Al_in_Ottawa says:

    It’s not really surprising, there are 7 Canadian teams in the NHL and 23 American teams. Most of the games played in Toronto will be against American teams and both national anthems are always played. There are a lot of cross-border hockey in the children’s league, too.

    As much as we kid each other Canadians and Americans help each other in time of need. After the Ice Storm of ’98 American hydro crews were in Ontario repairing downed power lines and after 9/11 and Super Storm Sandy there were Canadian search and rescue teams in the USA.

    This is from Tacoma, Washington after four local police officers were ambushed and killed in a coffee shop by a black parolee who had converted to the religion of peace.

    • Darin says:

      Awesome show of respect!

      I’ve worked alongside folks from Canada and at work we order parts and supplies from a few Canadian businesses.Always a pleasure to deal with my Canadian brothers and sisters.