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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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This grovelling idiot should be flogged out of town.
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“Judd said he has been sworn at in the supermarket by people unhappy with the decision, ”
Bastards lucky he hasn’t been punched.
“In the 2013 census, there were approximately 600,000 people in New Zealand identifying as Māori, making up roughly 15% of the national population. They are the second-largest ethnic group in New Zealand, after European New Zealanders (“Pākehā”).”
So the genius thinks 15% of the population gets 50% of the representatives
Same as the blacks here,13% of the population,yet they want a majority in national offices.Obviously their math skills are a bit poor.
Especially when you consider there’s no such thing as a full-blood maori any more…..the weasel-words are “identify as”.
Ronbo, the US (and I am a US citizen) has allowed the 20% far left to take over the country since Woodrow Wilson. Only since 2009 (TEA Party groups) have the patriots had a voice that is finally being heard, even if they are trashed by the MSM. I know many were sounding the alarm for many years but it is great to see the power shift finally.
Tar, feathers and a ride on a rail…
This dork is clearly from the shallow end of the gene-pool. Don’t hit your arse on the door leaving office Mr Mayor. But, and I say this in sadness, the next Mayor will be just as stupid. As are the people who vote for them. General apathy means that only the nutters get sufficiently frothed up to vote for these fools. Whose fault is that?
I don’t think local elections will ever be sexy, Mara. Yet they’re the best place to start if we want change.
Yes indeed,nullification of unjust laws starts at home.
The article also says. the Mayor can see that this may cost him his 2nd term. This is what democracy is meant to be about, if you screw up You miss getting another term. It also explains how you can’t be sued for defamation for getting it wrong about politicians. Somehow they need to be kept on a short leash.
“Somehow they need to be kept on a short leash.”
How about two metres of hemp rope? Around the neck….
KG, I meant in a figurative sense of the word. But yes, that would certainly have kept Len Brown from his affair. Its like the song says ‘Bad bad Leroy Brown’ by Jim Croce. Leroy Brown used his power and money to take advantage of women. And Len has done the same thing , so that’s how I knew he wouldn’t be a good Mayor, as his name was similiar to Leroy Brown.
What New Zealand doesn’t have is balance of power. In the states Washington D.C. has a supreme court that can say to the president or congress you can’t do that. And the president and congress must work together. And then each state has power that washington D.C. doesn’t have.
Unfortunately, things don’t quite work to the same effect that they used to in the USA currently, but they still have a balance of power. So here in New Zealand the only protection from abuse is the governor general as the queen’s representative, and our votes.
KG, there is a certain purity to that though……