Now, why would that be?

‘Row over IPCC report as nations ‘try to hide lack of climate change’
The behind-the-scenes wrangling is likely to cast a shadow over the publication on Friday of the 2,000-page report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The report is still in a draft version and will be finalised over the next five days with heated discussion centring on how to explain the fact that since 1998 the earth’s temperature has barely risen.
It is claimed some governments have even tried to intervene to remove references to the 15 year climate change ‘hiatus’ or ‘pause’…’

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14 Responses to Now, why would that be?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Since when has facts ever got in the way of Leftist “Truth :?:

    You get around that by saying, “Global Cooling is caused by Global Warming :!:

    …best of all – I DON’T HAVE TO PROVE IT :!:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile Los Angeles has been set on fire…Ferguson protesters or Eco terrorists :?:

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    I think the reason they changed it from Global warming to Climate Change, is when they found out the world works in cycles. In the 70s they predicted an ice age. Then it reversed, and got heated up. So according to this, it will start to get colder soon. So to put this cooling theory to shame, they changed it to climate change, saying you people are interfering with the natural climate.

    Oh yes, I haven’t forgot 30 years ago we were asked to eliminate our CFC as destroying the ozone would heat up the earth. Now that the ozone is restored, those gases are trapped according to these people. I have no confidence in these people. My solution, is if our exports equalled our imports, we would be making more things ourselves, not airfreighting so many imports, and that in itself would do more for the environment. How do we do that get rid of all environmental regulation so that its cheaper to produce, and have a real exchange rate policy.

    • Ronbo says:

      How about the “Ronbo Fits All Crisis Axiom :?::mrgreen:

      SHOOT THE BASTARDS :!: :mrgreen:

      I mean the Environmentalist Wackos, of course, the formerly the unemployed communists.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    Ronbo, I don’t want to get arrested for protesting. However I did give a Green MP a taste of my mind, when she was campaigning in Newmarket. I told her the ETS wasn’t doing a d. thing for the environment. I gave her my reasons. She said you’re right :oops: . And as soon as she said that though she went on to talk about her new plan, and said the ETS is national party policy not Green policy. When I think of it, the reason we are losing is its like a game of chess, where we’ve let these people move their knights and pawns and bishops to the centre of the board, while we’ve just said, we’ve got pieces protecting our king, we have liberty isn’t this a nice place to live. Because we’ve done so little, while they’ve done many small steps, that’s why they have the centre and are attacking us so aggressively. Its time for us to take the centre of the board. The centre is the government, the law, education and the media. They’ve hijacked this with their ideas, now its time to hijack the centre aggressively.

    • Darin says:

      Warren,you’re too gentle,I would have kept screaming at her “quit stealing my money you kleptocrat whore!” That usually drills right down through the BS to bedrock :twisted:

      Election cycle prior to this one I was over at a buddy of mine’s house when his state rep showed up to campaign for re-election.So we were standing there listening to his spiel when my buddy started asking him “who are you again???”
      The rep stopped a couple times and reminded him he was his state rep from his district,after the third time he said “I’m Mr XXXXX I’ve been your state rep for 28 years(seven terms)”

      That’s when my buddy pointed to me and said'”see,this is what we were just talking about,this guy has been my state rep for 28 years and this is the first time I have seen him.”Just where have you been and what have you accomplished in the 28 years on the tit?”

      The guy got back in his truck and drove off,he had no answer and was only out for money and votes. :roll:

  5. Warren Tooley says:

    Hi Darin, I can see why you would say that. My nature is I make my point with formal language. I accussed her of wasting $60 billion. Here was my rationale. When Warren G Harding was president, unemployment was 12%. He cut it down to 6%, by reducing income tax from a maximium of 70% to 20%. To do this he had to raise taxes on goods, and had to chop government by 50%. By making those sacrifices he was able to bring income tax down, and that started off the roaring 20s.

    But Ronald Reagan, did the same sort of thing except, he didn’t cut waste. So when he brought taxes down, the central bank said hey, their’s too much money in circulation, we’re going to raise interest rates, and that interest rate rise hurt too many people.

    Lesson, tax cuts can boost the economy, if you can cut out the waste. So the Green’s regulations, is how we have gone from $10 billion in debt to $70 billion plus. I also accussed her of robbing ACC. ACC has $24 billion, and the government has borrowed almost the whole lot, as they owe money. So I have friends who aren’t getting the care they need.

    So I started first telling her, and accussing her of costing the country $60 billion, and the yearly interest or $3 billion+ that could help develop new products and stealing our ACC money. She said I can see your angry, and then she started.

    So, yeah I can be a bit soft, but that’s because I make my point with facts and formal language, but sometimes I bring in outrageous accussations.

    • Darin says:

      I try the subtle tactics too,but most times they roll off like water off a Duck’s back.Politicians of every stripe have one advantage,an ignorant electorate.The problem is too few people are informed enough to take a stern reasoned stance with these creatures.If we all told them hands off our money do what we say or else,then they might listen,but most of the voting public just smiles politely,shakes their hand and walks away.

      Remember,when dealing with politicians of any stripe,you are not they’re cause,you are not they’re charity,you are nothing but a vote,no more no less.They don’t deserve one splinter of respect,they must earn it.

  6. KG says:

    Nobody here seems particularly interested in the political motives for hiding the pause.
    And that is a broad hint. I don’t mind off-topic comments, in fact this blog has never been one of those which gets all sniffy about them, since they’re often informative and fun. Nevertheless, each post is put up in order to stimulate comments on that subject.

    • Darin says:

      I guess a good question on the subject would be, have the motives changed?It’s still all about power,control and greed.

      Or maybe they have changed and the lies certain governments told are being seen for what they are?I hope it’s the latter,but have one fear,when these psychopaths are found out they tend to get violent and want to kill in mass to get their way.I still think they have another,much bigger world war in store for us all.

  7. KG says:

    “I still think they have another,much bigger world war in store for us all.”
    So do, I, whether intended or not.

  8. Warren Tooley says:

    With you guys, if you believe that they want to depopulate the earth, then that leaves room for a world war. One of the things that settle it is Henry C. Wallich. This guy was a federal reserve governor in the 80s. Before he became a fed governor, he talked about Thomas Malthus and the club of rome, in regards to the environment, and how we need to not grow the population. So is Henry C. Wallich a crazy conspiracy theorist. No, he was a German American Fed Governor. On the Georgia Guidestones, it says to keep the population to 500,000.

  9. Warren Tooley says:

    In regards to politicians it is sometimes very, very, very hard to get them to take you seriously. I find that the only way to get through to these people, is to have a next step that will cost them, if they don’t reply. For instance, they swear to the Queen, and the governor general is the Queen’s rep. And the Queen has sworn to uphold the law of God and the preservation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So it’s when you say, hey you ignored me, I’m giving you notice that this is what I intend on doing, unless you counter my allegations. That’s when they take it seriously, if what your doing is going to really embarass them or cost them otherwise.

    I’ve only got anywhere with these people once. When kiwisaver fees were ridiculous and the whole nation was talking about it, I knew something that could have really hurt and embarassed Craig Foss, and I said I’m ready to pass this information on. Within a month of my letter, he made a lot of changes, that made the system workable and said what you’ve said is not currently true.

    For instance, now I know that I can set up a kiwisaver fund, with no ability in finance, and no one employed in being a financial adviser. My argument was that these silly regulations you have are raising their fees. And the regulations are doing nothing for the people. So that’s why he said kiwisaver and financial advisers are not related, as anyone can set-up a kiwisaver scheme. But more importantly the regulations have been cut and changed. Only then did he get back to me. So I do know a few things in regards to what works and what doesn’t. Also they have done something about the fees. And it was me who leaked kiwisaver’s unprofitability on kiwiblog. Two weeks later the whole nation was talking about it.