‘Soon, the internet will be impossible to control

From big companies to governments, the ability to censor what we do online is about to get a lot harder…’         Link
Excellent, if true. What people do online is nobody else’s damn business.

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13 Responses to ‘Soon, the internet will be impossible to control

  1. andy5759 says:

    Oh goody… Oh shit… Oh well, whatever. It’s a good thing that there are some clever people prepared to make this happen. I think we’re grown up enough as a species to deal with any consequences.

  2. Darin says:

    What those who want to regulate it forget is originally the web started organically between like minded individuals who linked their computers together and basically build their own LAN.With todays technology a simple LAN can be setup in a matter of a few hours using a variety of common electronic devices that operate in the digital frequency spectrum.

  3. Darin says:

    Along these same lines,this could be a good movie-“Imitation Game”


    • KG says:

      I really, REALLY want to see this movie. Let’s hope they credit the Poles with being the first to crack an Enigma code.

      • Darin says:

        Yes,because it’s one thing to crack a mechanically generated code when you have the code generator to study,but it’s a whole different story to do it when you don’t have the machine.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  4. Ronbo says:

    In the U.S. Army I spent years in Electronic Warfare, so I know from experience that when the enemy changes his electronic systems to mask what he is doing, or attempts to jam our equipment, we always found a way to neutralize his efforts.

    In military jargon it’s called ECM – Electronic Counter Measures.

    When the enemy reacted to ECM, we replied with ECCM Electronic Counter Counter Measures.

    Churchill called Electronic Warfare, “The War of the Wizards” and I have say although it was serious and sometimes a deadly business, it was also great fun to beat chess masters like the Russians.