An amazing achievement!

‘The sound of insterstellar space: Nasa’s Voyager 1 probe reveals deep space sounds a lot like bells ringing as it rides massive ‘tsumani wave’.
..Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977..’

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7 Responses to An amazing achievement!

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    And STILL going!

  2. Ronbo says:


  3. Darin says:

    Distance from the Earth in realtime-

    Moving at 62,000 kph should make it the fastest thing we ever built too :grin:

    The old Glen Beck radio show did a skit one morning where they claimed to have a recording of sound in space around planet Earth.They came back from commercial break and said they would have their audio department try to clean up the recording to try and figure out what the noise was.

    It started out as white noise,then they slowed it down some and it started sounding like a washing machine,then they slowed it down some more and you could clearly hear machinery running.Then Glen said he had figured out what the noise was.It was the sound of the printing presses at the treasury running full tilt after Obama and co. had come to power. :mrgreen: Sadly he’s probably right :shock:

  4. Brown says:

    ISIS will claim that Islam discovered this in 1922 because Islam is so far ahead of the west in anything scientific.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    This achievement exhibits the beauty of the human brain. I wish Carl Sagan was still alive to witness this phenomenal probe. I think he participated in writing the codes on the outside of the spacecraft and had the superb intellect to conceive this type of journey. Yet, meanwhile on earth the stone age is still championed by weird mindless losers in the name of a spook (read: Allah!) What is perhaps worse, we endure a msm which dwells on filth rather than aspirational achievements.

  6. Contempt says:

    :shock: Too bad so sad that we do not have a NASA that can follow this feat up. But at minimum, Africa is getting the best of NASA today. :roll:

    Perhaps this explains why it gets darker earlier every day?