Anybody who suffers from chronic back pain knows what a debilitating bastard condition it can be. After taking a course of antibiotics recently, Wabbit was very surprised to find that his back pain had completely disappeared. And now this:
‘Antibiotics could cure 40% of chronic back pain patients
Up to 40% of patients with chronic back pain could be cured with a course of antibiotics rather than surgery, in a medical breakthrough that one spinal surgeon says is worthy of a Nobel prize.
Surgeons in the UK and elsewhere are reviewing how they treat patients with chronic back pain after scientists discovered that many of the worst cases were due to bacterial infections…’
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That’s great news KG, just mind boggling that this was the case all along.
Sure is, Mathew. There’s plenty of mechanical damage to my spine but it seems that’s not the source of the pain after all. There must be thousands of people in the same state.
Ibuprofen possible life extender?
I hope so, because I take enough of it!
You’re going to live forever, Oswald.
Well done you. Any relief from days, weeks or years of pain is a blessing. Maybe antibiotics were being withheld because of the fear of superbugs. It’s nice to know that cures for problems like yours are being found, or being used.
No doctor ever suggested antibiotics, Andy. Half of ’em are still stuck in the “bed rest” mode, it seems to me. I only found out about the antibiotic thing after I googled the mystery of suddenly no back pain after taking antibiotics.
And resting a crook back is poison, I’ve found.
So the answer now is to take large quantities of codeine, washed down with beer, and simply keep working.
Exercise seems to fix it most times.
yep, bed rest should be limited to a nights sleep after the pain starts.
Doctors near killed me with their attitude towards back pain (Drug-seeking/malingerer)
Oh yes! I’ve been through that crap too, Oswald. One clown even told me to bend over and touch my toes whilst I had massive muscle spasms.
I suspect most genuine cases have worked out through trial and error – and painful experience – what works and what doesn’t.
As usual, once I got to a specialist and away from the GP’s, the problem was found and sorted straight away.
You are absolutely right about the ‘No rest’ for many back problems. I have issues with spasms and the best solution is anti-inflamitory drugs, hot packs (treat it like a cramp) and movement. Resting is the worst thing for it.
P.S. send the drum file and I’ll let you know if it arrives.
Will do, Michael.