Bloody liars and propagandists:

‘Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest year on record… but we’re only 38% sure we were right 
The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS’s analysis is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.
…Yet the Nasa press release failed to mention this, as well as the fact that the alleged ‘record’ amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous ‘warmest year’, of just two-hundredths of a degree – or 0.02C. The margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C – several times as much…’    (bold mine)

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9 Responses to Bloody liars and propagandists:

  1. caleb says:

    Yet another example:

    If half the world weren’t fools the other half wouldn’t make a living.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    Which means these clowns were 62% likely to be wrong – nearly twice as likely to be wrong as to be right. Had they been real scientists, they SHOULD have said “there is no statistically significant change in global temperature over the last 10 years”.


    • KG says:

      Dishonest muppets it would seem, MacDoctor. And the media is no better for repeating this bilge.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      pfft. There’s no money in that, Mac. And no margin for destroying western civilisation and having themselves installed as High Priests with control over all society.

      Oh yeah, plus … DENIER.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The pause is more like 18 years but your point is significantly valid, unlike most warming records consistently trumpeted by the Left. I do science for a living and would have had any paper I submitted thrown out with a conclusion based on a non-significant change as the basis but then I am not a climate guy.

  3. Ronbo says:

    BE QUIET :!: :mrgreen:

    Global Warming is the centerpiece of the Leftist religion :!: :mrgreen:

    ,,,,and we have no right to be critical of another person’s religion UNLESS they are non-Muslims.

    The next thing you know the Leftists willl paint themselves blue and dance naked to Gaia on the first day of spring. It sounds kinda like the ancient Celts, heh :?: :mrgreen: Maybe they will appoint some priests and do the old virgin sacrifice thingy :?: :mrgreen: