It’s past time to hang a few

‘Force schools to promote gay lifestyles in lessons, says teaching union’

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19 Responses to It’s past time to hang a few

  1. caleb says:

    The material is endless… Society is under siege.
    One more generation of this and we will truly be in the unknown.

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    The UKIP could be the right party at the right time, if they can capitalize on this kind of thing.

    The UK General Election is only 4 weeks away.

    • KG says:

      I really hope they can, Odakyu-sen.

      • Odakyu-sen says:

        The UKIP offer the People a choice. Will they take it?

        If they are happy with the status quo, then they won’t. The results will be very interesting.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Imagine trying to explain this weirdness to your Grandfather if he was still around. He’d be convinced the world had gone mad which it has….machine gun icon?
        Big Machine Gun

  3. andy5759 says:

    If only progressive campaigners stopped campaigning when they have achieved their aims. Instead they keep pushing. Why? Are they seeking to punish us for past sins?

    • Ronbo says:

      Andy, my friend, the Left wants UTOPIA :!:

      I remember when I was a young soldier in Military Intelligence back in 1970 and assigned to go undercover in civilian clothes at Leftist events and with the rank&file on their goals. These guys and gals were more than willing to be honest in what they thought were off the record bar conversations (naturally, M.I. picked up the bar tab :mrgreen: ) that was tape recorded by me.

      Among the topics discussed in one Washington, D.C. conversation was why the Left was so opposed to the USA, “After all,” I said, “In comparison to other countries, modern day America protected civil rights and had a high standard of living.” One bearded commie replied, “Yes, what you say is true – BUT AMERICA IS NOT PERFECTION :!: What we Progressives want is a world without injustice. Paradise on earth. When we of the Left measure the USA, or any other Western country against this high standard, they always fall short.”

      Naturally, the commies were more honest in those days when they were a drug addicted, disease ridden, lice infected, moneyless street demonstrators – but there you have the endgame of the International Left – the creation of UTOPIA.

      The translation from the Latin is “no place.”

  4. GW says:

    Yep. That’s called step two:

    In whatever nation they take root and at whatever historical period, the left’s playbook for attacking religion has always been the same, at least in those places where they could not simply ban the Judeo-Christian religions. Step one is to marginalize religion in society. Step two is to intercede in between the family and the child, to take over children’s education and impart left wing values. The third and final step is to use the police powers of the state to establish the primacy over religious conscience, in essence delegitimizing religious values and putting the final nail in its coffin.

  5. Ronbo says:

    I remember this character in Ayn Rand’s first novel, We The Living, which took place in Russia just after the revolution, who was a playboy and didn’t really have any firm religious or nationalist leanings until the Communist takeover mugged him with the reality of totalitarianism.

    At that that point he became a Christian, started wearing a large cross on a golden chain around his neck in plain sight, and when the “International” was played would lead the people in song. “God Save The Czar :!:

    Yes, the commies killed him and I think Rand’s point was that a Johnny-come-lately to the cause of freedom is a great way to commit suicide. :cry:

  6. mistress mara says:

    LGBT bullshit bad enough now? Just wait. I predict that bi-sexuality, at least, will be practically compulsory one day; as a sign of open-mindedness and inclusive tolerance. :evil:

  7. Jamie says:

    School bans running in playground

    Fighting the bull’s one thing…Fighting bullshit is another…And round here the bullshit never ends

    • George Romero says:

      Yip , Eff those bastards (progressive teachers council) , they banned my fave game, Bullrush. And my kids can’t
      run and tackle like i used to to do, with thousands of other NZ kids. :evil:

  8. Robertv says:

    If You’re Not Free to Discriminate, You’re Not Free