‘Is Religious Freedom Seriously Threatened In America?’

Wolf Howling:
‘…The Judeo-Christian religions, with their emphasis on the sanctity of individual life, respect for family and sexual mores, must be removed for the left to succeed in remaking Western civilization under the auspices of an omnipotent government — a government free to use its police powers to create a new order of ostensible social and economic equality. Simply put, the socialist left needs to eliminate the Judeo-Christian religions so that they can replace God with government as the final source of morality, laws and, indeed, approved thought..’
GW lays it out very clearly indeed. If the objective of the left is to destroy religion – a necessary precursor to their totalitarian objective – then protecting and supporting religious beliefs becomes a crucial strongpoint in the resistance to that objective. Whether or not an individual who loves freedom adheres to a religion or is an atheist or agnostic is immaterial. The love of liberty demands support for the free and full exercise of religion.

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3 Responses to ‘Is Religious Freedom Seriously Threatened In America?’

  1. GW says:

    Thank you for the link. And you make quite an important point. It’s not just the religious who need to be concerned with this issue. When the left can create laws based on its own version of morality in an effort to create a more perfect secular society — a sort of atheist’s heaven on earth — the end result always ends up resembling a biblical hell. One may not believe in Jesus or God, but the price for allowing the left to eliminate them and their moral precepts from society is one for which all will pay.

    • KG says:

      “..but the price for allowing the left to eliminate them and their moral precepts from society is one for which all will pay.”

  2. Ronbo says:

    The Left is the RELIGION OF KARL MARX that hate competition.

    The best means to end competition is to destroy competition.

    It’s them or us, victory or death :!: :twisted: