‘Uterus Rising’

‘The Guardian’s Deborah Orr tells the unenlightened that Hillary Clinton should be elected president of the United States because she has ovaries and fallopian tubes, and that’s what really matters:
“She’ll be the first American president who has experienced childbirth, or even admitted to wearing a bra… She’ll be the first president to have prompted the need for an answer to the question: who is that guy then, if he isn’t the first lady?..”…..’
David Thompson
Because, you see, to fuckwit Guardianistas possession of a uterus is far more important than competence and integrity in a President of the United States of America. *spit*
Lord help us….

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13 Responses to ‘Uterus Rising’

  1. Robertv says:

    Hillary Clinton one of the many actors to keep the show rolling. It is one big theater in the land of the Wizard of Oz.


  2. Ronbo says:

    The GUARDIAN :?: :mrgreen: The Communist RAG :?: I thought they went out of business when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 and stopped paying their rent :?: :mrgreen:

  3. Darin says:

    I’m indifferent on whether or not we have a female president,I don’t care what the person’s gender or color is so long as we have the right person for the job.So when Hillary says it’s time for a female president I can go along with that,so long as it’s not her.
    Female CEO kicks over Twitter ant hill-

    The comments section as usual is interesting-

    “The vast majority of wars of history were started by men because women weren’t allowed to be in power. Jus sayin.”

    Followed by-
    “Exactly. And when they were in power they were as inclined to start wars…Golda Meier, Margaret Thatcher, Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria….”

  4. Wombat says:

    “She’ll be the first American president who has experienced childbirth.”

    I’m not sure that hatching a clutch of eggs in your burrow and then supervising the consumption of the weaker ones by the strongest counts as “childbirth”.

    ‘Gratz to Chelsea, though. Siblings are just a hassle anyways.

  5. Mathew says:

    I doubt very much that hillsie will make it this time, i find it hard to believe that after 8 long years of obama that Americans, yes even Americans want more of the same.

    Then again they did vote for obama cos he was black and all that, so why not for a woman because of just that too.

    Most likely it’ll be another Bush, but don’t get excited because a republican is taking over, the world has moved on and to turn things around any future American president will need money and the appetite to do thankless and much-loathed hard work, things enough Americans have neither of.

    Mind you even if by some miracle America decides to save the world, i’m finding it increasingly harder to think of anything worth saving anymore.

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    2008: It’s time to have a President who isn’t white in the White House.
    2016: It’s time to have a President who isn’t a man in the White House.
    Americans did themselves and the world a disservice with Obama. Let’s hope they don’t compound the injury with Hillary.

  7. mistress mara says:

    The solution is obvious. The ideal candidate would be a handicapped transgender of colour. Ticks more boxes.