Britain is screwed:

‘Police withheld bombshell report revealing how gangs of Muslim men were grooming girls as young as 13 in case it inflamed racial tensions ahead of General Election
West Midlands Police were warned more than 100 predominantly white school children – some as young as 13 – were at serious risk of child exploitation five years ago..’
And right next to this item, we have:
‘Police called in to Bradford school after staff member allegedly shared ‘tasteless and offensive’ Facebook post calling the Islamic veil offensive
A photo of three women in niqabs with the message ‘share if you find this offensive’ was seen on the Facebook page of a member of a Bradford’s school’s support staff and reported…’
It appears that to the Brit police criticising muslim headwear is of greater concern than the muslim’s rape of little girls.

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13 Responses to Britain is screwed:

  1. Darin says:

    Once again the law is not only inadequate,but non existent and there appear to be no Men left in Britain.It’s well past a matter of law enforcement and well into a much needed lynch mob :evil:

    • Wombat says:

      I say, Geeves! I fear we’re going to have to ask those foreigners nicely to cease molesting our children.

      But Reginald, what if they refuse?

      Then, Geeves, we shall have to ask them more sternly.

      Well, Reginald, let’s hope there’s no need for that level of incivility.

  2. KG says:

    What I find amazing is that there has been NO sign of any lynch mob. Where are their balls? And their sense of duty?

  3. Mathew says:

    Maybe they figured that’s how islam goes, that’s their culture and after all we’re told all cultures are equal aren’t they.

    Besides what’s the point of rescuing western lefties from being raped, when they won’t thank you and will brand you a racist, misogynist piece of shit.

    Seriously though i wouldn’t be surprised if there are groups out there quietly taking out the trash, we all know they can’t go public cos the same softies will turn on them and hang them out to dry in the name of harmony and community cohesion and all that.

  4. Mathew says:

    Forgot to add, imagine if there was someone out there taking some rapists out the back and castrating them or something, the police and the minister for cohesion and all that wouldn’t give a flying fuck about community harmony or can’t-we-all-just-get-along, they’d deploy the army to put a stop to it.

  5. D.T. says:

    Wow… right was George Orwell . True KG…..have all Brit men been castrated ? Where are the fathers of these girls ? I’d be screaming from the highest peak…..maybe they have been neutered by force….would not surprise me. How can they be so cowardly ?