Open house

‘Lone wolf extremism easy to develop, hard to track’
Every case cited in the article is about white extremists. Not one example of a black or a muslim. Yet which has the far, far higher body count?

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    That’s because every single one of the people profiled in the article are indeed, lone wolves.

    The real terrorists in our midst – overwhelmingly acolytes of the paedophile prophet (piss be upon him) – are not lone wolves, but members of a medieval, barbaric death-cult.

    Imagine how much carnage could be caused were those who sympathise with the grievances of the lone wolves to coalesce around a command structure and start arguing back on the same terms under which they’ve been subjugated?

    • KG says:

      Well, the media describes islamoscum as “lone wolves”, so it would seem reasonable to have included a few of them in the article.

      • Cadwallader says:

        The term (lone wolves) being used to refer to islamo murderers is an insult to lone/steppen wolves who are distinguished by their self reliance, their ability to thrive outside a grouping and survival modes. The tragedy is that wolves have already been condemned as vile through folk-lore while the nastiest myths are perpetrated by islamo filth. I would be grateful to be regarded as a lone-wolf any day!

  2. KG says:

    ‘Chances of ice age on rise

    The sun’s power is weakening at its fastest rate in 9300 years, doubling the odds of ice age conditions by mid-century.’

    (behind a paywall at The Australian)

  3. Ronbo says:

    Once again the Left tells us who they fear most – a revolt by white patriots.

    ISIS, Russia, China, violent racist black thugs, the general run of criminals and so forth represent no challenge to Progressive leadership; however TPM Republicans could wreck their red wagon – and thus the cowardly Leftist hate campaign against the moral majority.

  4. Darin says:

    It’s the month of Ramadan folks,so remember to be on the lookout for those radicalized Presbyterians .

    Headlines up on Drudge-

    Head hung on fence…
    Covered with Arabic writing…
    Islamist flag raised…
    Extremists Celebrate ‘Holiday’…

  5. Darin says:

    “Make up your mind woman!” :mrgreen:

  6. Ronbo says:

    U.S. Supreme Court legalizes FAGGOT marriage!

    Another Ronbo, “I told you so from the gitgo.”

    Actually my last two predictions – that the Supremes would uphold Obamacare and legalize FAGGOT MARRIAGE (an obvious oxymoron since is marriage defined being between a MAN and a WOMAN) – were quite easy to make, since Chief Justice Robert went over to the Dark Side years ago.

    But like Hillary Clinton famously said, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

    The United States of America has fallen under the iron heel of dictatorship, which means everything is subject to change without prior notice.

    This also means We The People are legally and morally allowed to do ANYTHING to end the dictatorship – all means, foul or fair are on the table – and every federal politician, bureaucrat, or policeman now has a big target pinned to the back of their coats.

    “Caesar, beware the Ides of March.”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      On O-Care, I said somewhere else:

      The anti-American Prog small-brains (Kagan, Sotomayor and that vile creature Ginsberg) have twisted the plain meaning of language to mean something the Congress never intended. State was always meant to mean State – it was never intended to mean Federal. The principle architect of the destruction of the American health care system, Jonathan Gruber, admitted as much in a video, when he said the subsidies were a bribe to convince the states to set up exchanges. They just never imagined so many states would wave two fingers at Big Bad Barry in Washington.

      That said, I actually believe SCOTUS has done two things with this decision: they’ve reduced the reverence of their own institution and simultaneously done the GOP a massive favour. ACA is the Third Rail – touch it and you die. If they’d struck down the subsidies, the GOP would have been forced to do something to “save” the law. This way they can continue to pass full-repeal bills (which Barry will veto, or simply refuse to sign) and let the law come into full effect (the Employer Mandate hasn’t hit yet), so the American people get a taste prior to 2016 of the full horror. Every single sensible GOP 2016 candidate has promised a full repeal, which by January 2017 Americans will be screaming for … and which the GOP will be able to provide without bloodying themselves.

      Meanwhile, the Dems look like the America-hating, communist muppets they are, SCOTUS (when you combine this with the ridiculous decision on homosexual marriage) are in the process of destroying themselves.

      Maybe there’s hope for America yet?

      • Darin says:

        I think you’re right,I got wind today through some customers that the next round of layoffs is already in the works.To which I say good,let them who voted for this mess suffer,they got it coming.

  7. mawm says:

    Fred on White Supremacy.

    We have White Supremacy…….. because for 2500 years we, whites, have produced the best minds on the planet, the greatest flourishing of the arts and sciences ever seen, the most complex and organized societies. We have White Supremacy, whatever exactly it may be, because we have been the earth’s most successful race. No other has come close. Deal with it…………

    …….It has become a global civilization because others among the competent—again, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Koreans—have found it to be in technical matters superior. It came from us. They, I note, do not complain of White Supremacy or White Privilege. They are too busy making computers and money……

    ……….it isn’t that we whites want to be supreme. It is just that we haven’t been able to help it. It isn’t our fault that we produced Newton, Archimedes, Einstein, and all those mutants……….

    • Darin says:

      I told an arrogant black racist that a while back.I asked him to look up what his ancestors were doing 1000years ago and what were mine doing 1000 years ago.He didn’t have a come back for that.

  8. Darin says:

    Competition Black Powder Rifle shooting Sharps 1874 Shiloh-

  9. Contempt says:

    Trump is the only Man who will stand up for his ideals. He has been there, done that. Better than that, I do believe that he will do what he says and that he will stand up for the America that I love and want to keep. Got my vote.

    • KG says:

      It’s reached the point where the more the MSM derides a Repub candidate, the plainer it is that leftists are afraid of him or her.
      And boy, does the MSM hate Trump!

  10. KG says:

    That said, I have a hunch that once again the GOP will allow the media to decide their candidate for them.