A guest post by the esteemed Seneca III:  (any faults in the format are mine. kg)
Previously this blog posted an article ‘The Quest for the Soul of Europe’ (10th July) by Simon Wolfe of the Iron Legion. Subsequent to comments appended to that article SW posted an elaboration of his thoughts on the matter (11th July). In the comments thereafter ‘Wombat’ quoted from the work of Edmund Burke – “Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents” – which he, Wombat, preceded with the sub-heading “Who can address the matter more eloquently?” This is my reply to that question.
N.B. The introduction, footnotes and my comments hereinafter are in italics for ease of differentiation only, not emphasis.

With a doctorate in Political Science from Paris’ Institute of Political Science Guillaume Fay was one of the principal theoreticians of the French ‘Nouvelle Droit’ in the 1970’s and 80’s, prior to his developing an empathy with the Identitarian movement. He has also been a journalist at Figaro-Magazine, Paris-Match, Magazine-Hebdo and Valeurs Actuelles.
Of his many books and publications two of his most seminal contributions to our survival dialectic are available in English language editions: ‘Why We Fight’ A and ‘Archeofuturism’. B
All abstracts in this article are from his METAPOLITICAL DICTIONARY which constitutes the main thrust of ‘Why We Fight’ – although I would describe it as more of an encyclopaedia than a dictionary.
I have abstracted the Archeofuturism definition from that dictionary, but I have left it without comment or elaboration for it is a concept that demands a far fuller treatment than can be afforded within the space limitations of this paper.

A Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance by Guillaume Faye. Arktos Media Ltd (2011), ISBN-10: 1907166181 (Paperback)
B Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age by Guillaume Faye (Author), Michael O’Meara (Foreword). Arktos Media Ltd (2010), ISBN-10: 1907166092. (Paperback)

A historical situation in which a people or civilisation loses its ethnic basis due to the mass immigration of aliens.
Ethnic chaos was a factor in the decomposition of the Roman Republic and Empire, Pharaonic-Egyptian civilisation and many ancient Greek cities. Europe is presently in the grip of a colonising settlement by overseas peoples. A civilisation disappears once it loses its original ethnic basis. It becomes a patchwork quilt in which any idea of a city, community and destiny is impossible.
Ethnic chaos signals the pure and simple disappearance of a people and a civilisation – and of true democracy – as all of the classical Greek philosophers warned.
An ethnically heterogeneous population – a kaleidoscope of communities – becomes an anonymous society, without soul, without solidarity, prone to incessant conflicts for domination, to an endemic racism (‘every multi-racial society is a multi-racist society’) – ungovernable because there’s no shared vision of the world. Ethnic chaos is an open door to tyranny.
In the name of multi-racialism, capitalism and democracy have made ethnic chaos part of their programme. Men are stripped of their attachments and remade as consumers, each interchangeable with other, each without an identity.1 But this is stupid. Man never actually loses his memory or ancestral identity. A society of ethnic chaos leads in the long run not to prosperity, harmonious individualism or republican rule, but to political and social disorder. We’re now catching the first glimpses of this chaos. From it there will perhaps come the post-chaos – that is regeneration – a return to homogeneity.”
1 The destruction of personal identity is the first step undertaken by a self-selected few who use their grip on the levers of power to dominate and direct human affairs in their own interests rather than that of the body politic which they should be serving. By reducing all down to the level of the lowest common denominator they intend to create a passive and thus easily controllable global Slave State or, by another definition, The New World Order.

Chaos is that state of disorganisation and anarchy affecting a collectivity of any sort once it’s beset by catastrophe. The post chaos is that phase when a new order is constructed on the basis of a revolutionary metamorphic logic. It’s the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth as expressed in Nietzsche’s theory of the eternal return of the identical 2 as well as in René Thom’s 3 theory of catastrophes. The society we know can’t be fixed, the system can’t be saved. This is the illusion of every conservative tendency. The sole solution to the present situation will come from chaos – from civil war, economic depression etc. – that overthrows established mentalities and makes acceptable and indispensable that which was previously unimaginable. Only in situations of chaos are the given variables changed and does it become possible to establish another order – the post-chaos. Only in crisis, then, will a solution be found 4. To construct a new home, it’s first necessary that the old one collapses. It’s not a pessimist but a realist who sees this.”
2 Friedrick Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Cambridge University Press (2001), pp. 194. This is one of Nietzsche’s central propositions.
3 René FrédéricThom (1923-2002) was a renowned French mathematician. He was principally a topologist and singularity theorist (and winner of the Fields Medal) but later moved on to become the founder of Catastrophe Theory.
4 Having been born into and raised in what was then a reasonably functional democracy it has taken me most of a long lifetime to come to accept that such a thing no longer exists, and to finally throw off my innate unease at the use and the objectives of the terms ‘revolution’ and ‘revolutionary’. Now, having recently tried one last time to bring about a recovery of that old status quo via the ballot box, and having failed abysmally, I am now convinced that that avenue is irretrievably blocked.
At the onset this painful transition of mine presented me with a moral dilemma, a dilemma which prevailing circumstances forced me to resolve by finally accepting that only one alternative course of action remains open. And, eventually, I came to the conclusion that that course of action should not be simply in the form of ‘resistance’ because whilst resistance is often said to be futile, it is much more than that – it is wholly counter-productive in the sense that it only delays the inevitable chaos and thus the post-chaos opportunity for re-birth, and that the longer such an inevitability is delayed the more difficult will be the reconstruction.
Etymologically: ‘That which makes similar.’ A people’s identity is that what makes it incomparable and irreplaceable.
Characteristic of humanity is the diversity and singularity of its many peoples and cultures. Every form of homogenisation is synonymous with death, as well as with sclerosis and entropy. Universalism always seeks to marginalise identity in the name of a single, unique anthropological model. But ethnic and cultural identities form a block: maintaining and developing the cultural heritage presupposes a people’s ethnic commonality.
Humanity will not survive the challenges it’s if it remains a pluriversum, that is, if it remains a fractious aggravation of profoundly different ethnocentric peoples.
Look: identity’s basis is biological 5 ; without it, the realms of culture and civilisation are unsustainable. Said differently: a people’s identity, memory and projects come from a specific hereditary disposition.”
5 I am of the opinion that when the established and well proven moral and genetic value of the traditional heterosexual family structure is superseded by institutionalised deviance, when such deviance becomes the norm and the norm becomes deviance, then the biological basis of our identity, culture and civilisation will no longer exist.

Within a given population, those who are culturally and biologically of non-indigenous origin.
Today it would be better to talk of aliens (allogénes) than if immigrants born in Europe of non-European parents, insofar as the majority of them are not ethnically European, but are considered ‘nationals’ solely on the basis of jus soli. 6 Since Antiquity, as Aristotle, Thucydides and Xenophon noted, it’s been known that every nation that takes in large numbers of aliens is destined to perish, for these aliens progressively replace natives, who are culturally and/or physically destroyed by them. Such a process is underway now in France. 7
At the beginning of the Twenty-first century, the notion of alien has lost all currency in Europe, either legally, linguistically or nationally. The law, though, should designate every resident not of European origin as an alien. A Belgian, Italian or Russian of European origins residing in France is not an alien. The key point is that a people submerged by aliens eventually becomes a minority, strangers in their own land. Such is the logic of the colonisation we’re now experiencing. In the end, the alien becomes the native. 8 ”
6 Fr. ‘birthright citizenship’
7 And everywhere else in the Euro/Anglosphere.
8 I note history amply demonstrates that once Muslims are given democratic rights and authority within a territory they are in the process of occupying they will use those rights and that authority to gradually abrogate those rights and authority of the original inhabitants. Thus when it’s in an absolute minority Islam will incessantly demand more and more minority rights. When it becomes a significant minority the pace and intensity of its demands will accelerate exponentially. Then, once Islam becomes a majority within any socio-political or geographic environment, at local or national level, or it finds itself close to becoming one, there will be no more minority rights – for anyone. That is when the original inhabitants will cease to exist.
The attitude that approaches the future in terms of ancestral values, believing that notions of modernism and traditionalism need to be dialectically transcended.
Archeofuturism opposes both modernity seeing them a versos of one another and believing that modernity is backward looking having failed to realise either its ideals of great projects. Techno-science, for example, is incompatible with humanity’s humanitarian and egalitarian values. The Twenty-first century will see the resurgence of struggles that bourgeois and Western cosmopolitan ideology thought it had long buried; identitarian, traditionalist and religious conflicts; geopolitical fissures; ethnic questions posed at the planetary level; battles over scarce resources.”
These could well be the times that try men’s souls. How we respond individually and collectively will determine the course of our immediate and long term future. And those of our descendants, if any.
Afterthought – a personal philosophy:
I can think of no better path for a man or a woman to tread than to join together, one with the other, within the bosom of their own culture and community in order to love, care, support and protect their union, by any means at their disposal no matter how demanding, and to beget and do the same for their children so that their vigorous genetic inheritance is passed on and carries forward into the future. That really is immortality, and it has nothing to do with Islam or virgins no matter in what numerical quantity the latter are presumed to be found. Moreover, whilst Muslims do so conjoin similarly, even though often in multiplicands of our predilection for singularity in this area of human relationships, one factor determines their fundamental weakness rather than their strength.
To our everlasting advantage Islam’s fourteen centuries of a closed, genetically destructive, tribally driven predominately consanguineous reproduction system is, in the final analysis, its own nemesis. Such a primitive social imperative, throughout human history or that of the animal world, always translates into a terminal state of negative hybrid vigour, a cul-de-sac, the epitome of evolutionary regression rather than progression. And this, in a nutshell, is Islam, the culture we are now beset and belaboured with, one gifted to us in the West by a morally corrupt, venal cabal of acquisitive predators – our own governing classes and their indoctrinated media and executive arms.
Yet the universe continues on its course, and as Islam persists in indulging itself in its painful and gruesomely extended death throes, in its recent but far from historically unique barbaric manifestations, in frenzied ideological orgasms of atrocity and destruction through which it chooses to express its hopes of a continued existence and ultimate dominance, we must somehow prevail. Islam knows no better, nor ever will, but we must find a way.
If we are to survive this tsunami of primitivism we must take hold of this, our small advantage, post haste, accelerate it and utilise it to our survival benefit. No more, no less. We must sustain whatever the cost or how history will view us. The price will be high, but such was it ever so.

Seneca III, Middle England, July 11th, 2015.

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  1. Ronbo says:

    Summary: “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided….but by iron and blood (Eisen und Blut).”

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    I agree about chaos being our salvation.

    I don’t know when previous cultures, tribes, or nations ever had to face what the West has since 1917, namely, an educated, hostile, native class of intellectuals who loath their own homes and kinsmen. The hubris founded in the Enlightenment fueled an impatience to get government to do what those intellectuals “knew” would raise mankind to a new level. People who resisted the utopian maneuverings were hated and seen to be emblematic of the evil of the existing order. The loathing grew from that seed. As well as from the efforts of the Frankfurt School swine.

    It’s so widespread and deeply rooted that even the internet availability of brilliant defenses of the old order fails to dent the fanaticism of the left. 100 years of lies and subversion (not the least of which has been well-funded communism) have done their damage. Logic will not avail us. Only what Solzhenitsyn called “the pitiless crowbar of events.”

    • KG says:

      The conclusion is inescapable, isn’t it Colonel?
      All the noise surrounding elections and candidates is merely that. Noise.
      “Sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
      Anybody who looks for salvation within the current political system either wants to avoid hard facts or simply hasn’t been paying attention.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        I have a slender grip on sanity as it is but watching Western nations running everything into the ground is threatening even that grip.

        Politicians swear ten different ways that importing 50,000 Ubangis into Idaho is a great advance in the annals of civilization. (BTW, whatever happened to the Ubangis?)

        Similarly, if the landing strip at the Tupelo, Miss. airfield needs to be repainted, some fool will say we can’t do that without comprehensive transportation reform.

        What shouldn’t get done happens at warp speed and what should be done is stalled by some ass who swears he has our interests at heart.

        I hope Trump keeps causing all kinds of outrage. If he’s not on the ticket it’s goofy third party protest vote time for sure.

  3. KG says:

    “I hope Trump keeps causing all kinds of outrage. If he’s not on the ticket it’s goofy third party protest vote time for sure.”
    It surely is.

  4. KG says:

    This is worth reading again:
    ‘America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution’
    By Angelo M. Codevilla

    • Col. Bunny says:

      That is indeed excellent. It’s the perfect companion piece to Fred Siegel’s “The revolt against the masses: how liberalism has undermined the middle class.”

  5. Ronbo says:

    Colonel Bunny said,

    “I hope Trump keeps causing all kinds of outrage. If he’s not on the ticket it’s goofy third party protest vote time for sure.”

    I think Trump, THE DONALD, after wandering in the wilderness of politics for decades, has finally thrown his hat into the Tea Party section of the Republican Party, where about 90% of us call home.

    I think Trump is an American Patriot.

    Also, I think he could very well be the “Julius Caesar” of an “American Empire.”

    The central truth of our era is the Republic founded by George Washington and the other Great Patriots is as dead as the Roman Republic…and the civil wars are being fought over who shall be the “First Man In Rome” …and like the Roman Republicans, we American patriots will be forced to decide which strong horse to back.

    Pompey or Caesar?

    Well, we have seen what a failure our Pompey Obama has been, so we’ll give our Caesar Trump a try. Maybe he will let us keep the illusion alive that we are free men and women.

    Whatever happens, America will go on…the U.S. Constitution – like the Roman Constitution will in theory still be the law of the land until the bitter end – but Pompey Obama has removed any doubt that it is meaningless.

    I doubt those imperial presidents who come after him will do away with even the smallest and least important “Executive Order”- The chief executive in America has come the dictator – still an elective dictator at this point in time and limited to eight years in office – who with unlimited dictatorial power can make or break the oligarchy he needs to transmit his orders to where the rubber meets the road.

    CEO Trump needs We The People this year and next – and if elected, he will give us work, bread and circuses – but the year after his Triumph, he will be firing a bunch of folks who believed he really was a Republican.


    • Col. Bunny says:

      That’s a gloomy assessment but quite accurate. There is no organized group that has as its goal the preservation on the Constitution. The Framers and Ratifiers simply failed to predict that the three branches of the federal government would not jealously guard their prerogatives but would COMBINE against the citizen and the Constitution.

      Even the “good” party is indifferent to such a simple thing as the natural born citizen requirement for the presidency and so does not object to Rubio, Cruz, or Jindal. There is simply no longer any theoretical foundation for the U.S. Only naked political advantage motivates. Distant consequences are for foreigners or the younger generation to worry about.

      Even such a huge change as took place under Cromwell was reversed in what is an historical blink of an eye. I think economic mismanagement is going to discredit the left, utopian elite in a way that my/our yammering about ethnic integrity and free markets never will.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The only non-kinetic option remaining:

        • Wombat says:

          I’m a little confused.

          1) The federal government is ignoring The Constitution. How is writing a new one for them to ignore going to help?

          2) What assurance is there that the event wont become a complete whitewash of The Document in favour of socialist doctrine?

          The least ugly of all ugly solutions, in the US and all over the world, is secession.

          Hence the current push to vilify the Confederate flag. The powers that be see secession as the one true threat to globalisation. We need to take our ball and go home.

  6. Simon Wolfe says:

    Seneca, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Incidental to the point you raised in the conclusion, I read the other day that due to their frequent first cousin marriages, Pakistanis in Britain contribute an overwhelmingly over-representative proportion of birth defects compared to the rest of population. It’s already catching up with them.

    I’m a great fan of Guillame Fay and also his late compatriot Dominique Venner. Another great author who examines the problems we face today is Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Relevant to the discussion of libertarianism and the various flavours of the right is his book ‘Democracy – The God That Failed’ is well worth reading, particularly Ch.10 – On Conservatism and Libertarianism. He calls for an alignment between conservatives and libertarians as natural allies with common goals.

    He says that true conservatives must be libertarians. All the social problems which conservatives deplore are allowed and encouraged by the welfare state. In order to be truly conservative one must desire government to return to pre-welfare state in terms of size and scope.

    He also says that libertarians must be radical conservatives. A libertarian social order cannot allow unrestricted free speech. A social order founded on private property rights, or the basis of the family as the fundamental unit of society, cannot allow talk that goes against these ideals. A society that does will soon find itself battling Communism, the destruction of the family and all the other ills that plague us today. A libertarian social order must contain an immune system against progressivism. So conservatives must be libertarians and libertarians must be radical conservatives.

    A libertarian social order is a lofty ideal, but how to get there from where we are now, with progressivism so deeply entrenched in every aspect of modern life? That may take a more radical approach than either conservatism or libertarianism. All of the things which plague us have been accelerated under democracy. It’s unlikely that we will be able to reverse them using the same process. More likely, as is raised in this article – the decision will be made for us as we slide further into chaos and disorder.

    Right now it is not government overreach that I am primarily concerned with. I am far more likely to be assaulted or deprived of life or liberty by a criminal civilian than I am by the state. I am greatly troubled with the state’s inability to deal with immigration and the increasing anarchy in the cities, while they simultaneously tyrannise the law-abiding minority for petty and trivial money-generating offences. It’s popular to demonise the various immigrants in Europe, but it’s important also not to confuse the matador with cape. That’s not to excuse the behaviour of immigrants, but it’s more important to remember that somebody let them in in the first place.

    The immediate danger facing the West today is not one of liberty but of extinction.

    • KG says:

      “..That’s not to excuse the behaviour of immigrants, but it’s more important to remember that somebody let them in in the first place.”

    • Seneca III says:

      Re. Pakistani’s and consanguinuity, Simon, the latest figures I have been able to access indicate that whilst Pakistani’s constitute 3% of our overall population they account for over 30% of the long-term, seriously genetically damaged who are being maintained and sustained by our overstretched Health Service (and its finances) and the additionally tax payer funded Social Services.
      However in view of way such figures are collected and then published, and the penchant of our politically corrected executive branches to minimise and manipulate revealing statistics of this and a similar nature, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the actual tally was much higher.
      If nothing else Rotherham taught me, and hopefully many others, a definitive lesson in this regard. Rgds, S III.

  7. KG says:

    I saw that the same damn council was re-elected in Rotherham, Seneca! 8O
    What the hell will it take for people to wake up, if not the rape of their daughters?

    • Seneca III says:

      Looks like I’ve double posted (a rewritten version) of this one, Wabbit, as the first time I hit ‘Post Comment’ it didn’t appear to take. If so, what the hell, it’s all grist for the Mill.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    KG, you want to document the decline of the West? Don’t forget to add this:

    So explain to me how allowing transgender individuals to serve openly is necessary for the US armed forces to be effective.

    • KG says:

      That’s the whole point, Michael – it’s designed to make them less effective.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        When the impossible is eliminated (honest concern for interests of U.S.) you are looking at the truth no matter how preposterous.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Anyone want to place bets on how many trannies don’t fall with a bullet to the back when the hot lead starts flying?

      • Wombat says:

        They’ll be promoted so fast they’ll never catch so much as a whiff of the sandpit.

  9. Wombat says:

    An outstanding essay, and more than worthy of the challenge.

    Throughout our history we have engaged in creating institutions that served the common good. Until recent advances in our capacity for production, these institutions have been vital for our survival. When our capacity to produce collapses, simple survival will necessitate a return to the old ways.

    We are in many ways a victim of our success. Surplus breeds decadence. Decadence breeds depravity.