The NZ Herald’s idea of “science reporting”.

‘Jamie Morton is science reporter at the NZ Herald
Kiwis seek more ambitious climate goals’
The “science reporter” is apparently incapable of rational analysis, and content to disseminate blatant propaganda.

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14 Responses to The NZ Herald’s idea of “science reporting”.

  1. mawm says:

    “Submitters” – ie a self selected group of climate alarmists.

    If most other countries were to follow New Zealand’s approach, global warming would exceed 3 or 4C, a world that would see oceans acidifying, coral reefs dissolving, sea levels rising rapidly, and more than 40 per cent species extinction. Oh my! We are doomed.

    • KG says:

      Certainly, we’re doomed when bullshit such as this can be peddled as “facts”.

      • Wombat says:

        Want to drag them in and then knock them down.

        Say, “y’know, we’re on track for the temperatures to rise by two degrees in the next decade, and if that happens the world is not going to be recognisable.”

        When they nod in sagely agreement, add.

        “Oh, waidaminnit. Al Gore said that twenty years ago.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    KG, I kid you not, one of the PhDs at my office thinks the ‘greenhouse gas’ levels the Government wants are not enough. When I tried to tell him there had been no measurable warming for over 18 years, he refused to listen. I despair for Science in this country!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Post Hole Digger?

      • nominto says:

        or alternatively …..Project Half Done?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Bloody well said. Rule Number One: if you want to get anything accomplished, never hire a PHD, anyone with a Master’s or anyone who resembles a cartoon character.

  3. MacDoctor says:

    My climate goal is not to freeze to death in the coming mini ice age…

    • KG says:

      Which may be easier said than done, MacDoc. With so much of the focus being on mitigating the effects of warming, I’m willing to bet that damn-all work has been done preparing for the opposite scenario.

  4. nominto says:

    I made the fatal mistake of browsing past a Saturday NZHerald not long ago [and I very rarely read this foul piece of propaganda]…
    how could the quality of this get any worse [and it had reached rock bottom last year ]- but it was utter tripe!
    3/4 of the opinion articles I sped read were just baseless sensationalist junk.
    MacLaughlan about freight transport options – completely out of touch and out of date- no facts /numbers/calculations – just wishy washy bluster[he has no idea how industry or freight works in/out of Auckland or Nationally for that matter]
    next some fancy named femi/econazi- blah –“NZ has the highest greenhouse per “capita” in the world” -[“tut tut you naughty readers”-sort of crap]– if it had some pointed satire; IT could have been slightly funny [ but no; this twat was serious]
    the third was just so bad I forgot it as quickly as I read it.
    the 4th was an article on the train/ bus service and the only thing worth reading was a non Herald employee’s personal train experience [and the bait that lead me to scan the pages]
    moral of the story ‘note to myself-don’t ever read this again [reeled in and burnt!]
    point: if half the population’s IQ is less than 100 – no wonder this toxic effluent still exists
    [though days are numbered for the printed rag]

    • KG says:

      It’s frightening when you think that most of the population gets its news from there and television news, Nominto.
      And that it shapes their view of the world…..

  5. mawm says:

    Headline – June warmest EVER recorded globally as forecasters warn 2015 set to be a record breaking year

    Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.

    The Mail received the memo to push “climate change” but have realised the futility of doing so to its readers. It is now too cowardly to publish the rubbishing it will get in the comments.

    • KG says:

      How bloody cowardly – and typical. Push the propaganda and silence dissent. Now, where have we seen that before, hmm?

      • Pascal says:

        Where have we seen it? For instance in California and Federal courts. When hearing environmental “concerns,” the NRDC racketeers have been strong-arming out opposing views for decades. They showed the Climate Change fraudsters how its done. See my last post under Open House for a peek at the methods and consequences.