Liar, or stupid? You decide.

‘John Key believes most people with Chinese-sounding names who buy property have a real connection to New Zealand.’
On the same page of the Herald:
‘NO stamp duties, NO capital gains tax’
‘Colliers’ advertising in China for Auckland apartments talks up soft rules.’

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34 Responses to Liar, or stupid? You decide.

  1. Lara says:

    Willfully stupid, serial liar, cannot help himself. He just doesn’t care that he is helping to sell the future of Kiwis down the road, he’s okay, will never affect him, but will affect generations and generations of Kiwis to come.

    His real legacy will not be the flag change (and I bet he just does what he wants on that one), but will be the total traitorous sell-out of Generation Rent. He just has no conscience, the luck of the devil and above all, no substance at all. Weak, most of all!!!
    Disgusting sell-out nimby!!

    • Tom says:

      Could,nt have put it better myself,totally agree.A total slimeball.

    • Odakyu-sen says:

      John Key may be correct.
      For example, you have 7 New Zealanders of Chinese ethnicity, who each buy 1 house, and 3 Chinese (with no connection to NZ) who each by 10 houses, then it is true that “most people with Chinese-sounding names who buy property have a real connection to NZ.”

      True (but misleading).

  2. Lara says:

    Steven Joyce is just as loathsome. As is English. Puppets, the lot of them. So much to answer for, so little responsibility….Joyce is sickening on radio, and just as socialist/clueless and full of BS. I am thinking of moving to Aussie. Just have had enough…it’s just a tad better there…

    • Tom says:

      Agree again

    • Wombat says:

      There is nowhere left to run to.

      I made a joke once on gun-forum that if we wanted the laws changed for the better then we should all move to one state.

      As unrealistic as that is, it’s sounding less stupid by the day.

      It would take a relatively small influx of serious secessionists to move to northern queensland before that movement could no longer be contained.

      It’s about the only place with the resources vs population to make a serious go of forging a new, conservative state.

      It’s also the only place I’d move to, if only for that sole purpose.

      A poorer alternative would be Tasmania, but you’d be facing down an entrenched demographic of bludgers and envirofascists, and your native conservative support base would be largely dying off in nursing homes (dependent on pensions for the most part, and therefore humstrung against socialist policy).

      The Northern Territory is a no-go due to legal issues (being a territory Canberra can override it’s laws). All other states are too well populated for serious consideration.

  3. mara says:

    Liar, of course. On the bright side though, when the Chinese control NZ there won’t be any tolerance of Sharia law and Islam in general.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    If you were a seller in the Auckland market, I am sure your bank manager, no matter what his/her etnicity may be, will encourage you to gobble-up the best price offered.(Chinese or not.) You take your $$$ and use them to construct a replacement home. Doesn’t this exercise depict how the market works plus preventing a “shortage” of homes?
    My natural bent is not to curb Collier’s advertising pitch by the imposition of yet another tax (stamp duty is particularly iniquitous.)To dampen Chinese investment in Auckland the government simply needs to display the Auckland Council’s books of account alongside their big-spending dreams/schemes. These documents alone ought scare off investors.

    • KG says:

      “Doesn’t this exercise depict how the market works plus preventing a “shortage” of homes?”
      What’s happening now is actually a distortion of the market. And it sure as hell doesn’t prevent a shortage of affordable homes.

      • Cadwallader says:

        The issue is “affordable” land. The price of house construction is not starkly different between Auckland and Invercargill, it is the price of the land which has led prices skyward. The Auckland City Council is responsible for the market distortion and not the purchasers. As NZ’ers we ought be flattered that people now wish to reside here…this is markedly different to NZ under the Clark regime 10 or so years ago. I agree that post residency, the nub of the issue is integration.

        • KG says:

          I don’t believe that people who effectively buy residency by parking their money her are likely to adopt Kiwi culture subsequently, Cad.
          Why would they? I never yet met a Chinese who didn’t believe that his culture was superior.

        • mawm says:

          Cad – You obviously have not had to pay a builder in Auckland.

          • KG says:

            :lol: IF you can get one, that is.

          • Cadwallader says:

            The application costs, consent fees between local authorities vary little…more or less spinning between outlandish and exorbitant.
            Are people actually buying residency with residency being an end-goal?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I think it’s actually both, Cad. Artificial constraints on land-supply are definitely distorting the market.

          But I also think immigration policy needs to be looked at.

          I’m not in favour of blanket bans on “foreign ownership” because such a ban would be both costly to administer and easy to circumvent. But I do question how so many people from cultures alien to our own can possibly be expected to assimilate here. The answer, of course, is they’re not.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            This of course, on top of the fact that Key and his cohort of National Socialists are at best disingenuous and at worst actively seeking to implement the UN’s New World Order.

            • Cadwallader says:

              I don’t know about any “world order” but contend that the UN has savaged our sovereignty without any discernible benefit being derived. It has been seven decades since the advent of the UN which continues to be a talk fest only, while world governments blindly maintain membership. It is, in other words; pointless!

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                I’d suggest it is non-beneficial, but would disagree it is “pointless”. If the point is a single global government, the destruction of the nation state and worldwide socialism, I’d say they’re well on their way.

                • KG says:

                  They sure as hell are.
                  Anybody who thinks otherwise simply hasn’t been paying attention.

  5. Lara says:

    Yes, there is agenda, otherwise why would the govt be so blindly stupid. Clark especially hates our British traditions, she would be most happy with what is happening here and to other Western nations. I think Key is dumber than Clark, he is there for his ego and fame, that’s how weak he is, but in some ways he is worse. He pretended to the voters to be what he wasn’t, and has lead National to depart with its founding values. Like I have said before, I wish the pair of them could just vanish!! He won’ t be in power forever, but oh, the damage…..not that we have any knights in shining armour waiting in the wings!
    NZ has been damaged beyond repair in my view, and they are just getting started.

    • KG says:

      I agree, Lara. Absolutely.
      But I ask myself…do the majority who voted for this bunch of con-men and clowns even deserve to have a knight riding to the rescue? If there was such a one, they people who voted for this disaster would be the first to abuse him and demand that he simultaneously fix things and change nothing.
      The medicine – if it ever happens – will be hard and uncomfortable for many people and they’ll promptly vote the left back in.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        No, they don’t. The way they treated Churchill after WWII is testament to that. These femi-nazis and betas should be made to suffer the full force and effect of their decisions.

          • Darin says:

            “These femi-nazis and betas should be made to suffer the full force and effect of their decisions.”

            Sure they should,but you know as well as I do it’s the working class and the warrior class that fight and die,while the socialist elites sip Chardonnay and read Chomsky.

            • KG says:

              Ain’t that the truth!

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              Yep, you got me there. I guess we can hope the retribution visited upon the limousine liberals by President Trump will make Valerie Jarrett look like somone’s crazy old aunt.

              But my guess is they’ll get Trump long before then.