‘College student blames parents after she blows $90G college fund
…the young woman said her parents told her there was nothing they could do for her because they didn’t have any money. She accused her father of being a “little bit of a jerk about it” after she told him she was broke.
“They’re not being honest with me, saying they don’t have it because my father has worked for like a million years and they have a retirement account,” Kim said…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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“Yes, I can see that the European vacation, the three spring breaks in Mexico, the clothes, the booze, THE BAR BILL – were – in retrospect – a bad idea. I’m just not good at doing a budget!
“This is a dirty four letter word!”
Gosh. The real world is going to be a bit of a shock for this petal…
Here’s another ‘not untypical’ situation, an ‘unintended consequence’ that those with any brains warned about at the start:
Time to change the locks at home I think in case she comes back. Calling her Dad a jerk and threatening the parents with being a stripper (clearly they would not approve) because they declined to be cash cows crosses a line for me.
Stripping is probably the only option she has left. Mind you, having had a less then edifying look at your average ‘Women’ Studies’ undergrad I would suspect that that particular career path is not going to be high earner. Hooking in the lower echelons of that trade may be the only option left open to to her, but even that is not likely be a high earner.
Back in the old days (1970s) students got grants to go to further education, as we called it then, unless it was university. We had polytechnic colleges full of perpetual students, picking up their grants, working on the side, and generally having a ball. Somehow that is more unforgivable than sponging off mum and dad, if something can be more unforgivable.
It isn’t untypical at all. I was speaking to some recent grads here. The sentiment is one where the need to repay a student loan is regarded as utterly unfair and if at all possible avoided altogether. I was told back in the 1970s that “a degree allows one to tick a box, whereas a skill allows one to feed your family.” There are few actual skills emanating from the tertiary institutions these days, unless you regard “entitilitis” conceit, and self-preening as skills.
Pissed $90k away on crap she didn’t need,followed up by that shitty attitude?Sorry,if that was my daughter she would have never been given the money in the first place,she’s just not college material.She needs to flip burgers or shovel cow shit for a few years to age her up a bit.
Damn right.
I’d push her toward the burgers. She’s already mastered the shit-shoveling.
Agree Darin.