Islam in the workplace

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7 Responses to Islam in the workplace

  1. Mike says:

    So good I listened twice!

  2. mara says:

    It is OVER time for revolution. Where is the populous ready to take on this invasion? Hiding in ignorance, taking selfies, following the Kardashions, getting spray-tans, buying faux handbags and being absolutely, resolutely ignorant about current affairs or history. Islamic youth is restive and angry. Western youth is indolent and ignorant. This will not end well.

    • KG says:

      About the only hope I see is for the muzzies to overplay their hand, provoking a spontaneous wave of revulsion and revenge.

  3. Ronbo says:

    …We can only pray for civil war against the Muslims because at that point its either kill or be killed…

    As the man says, “Execution in one hour concentrates the mind wonderfully well.”