
Col. B. Bunny:
‘..It’s hard to see how the mass of men loosely termed “citizens” of this country have (beyond feeding themselves three times a day) any instinct whatsoever for their survival or resistance to theft of their country by internal traitors aiding and abetting foreign invasion…’

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11 Responses to ‘Apathy’

  1. andy5759 says:

    We all seem to be opening the door to an invading army which gets reinforcements simply by breeding. Utter insanity. Can our leaders really be so stupid, or is there some other explanation?

    • KG says:

      They are in the main not so stupid, Andy. Merely evil.

    • K2 says:

      The explanation is a monolithic media and academics which function beyond anything Orwell could conceive of in terms of conditioning and “education”. For 40 years the children of the west have been swimming in a sea of indoctrination uniformly depicting people who make any distinction based on race or national origin whatsoever as evil Nazis. The result of that is making any kind of statement even obliquely touching on race – which necessarily includes all 3rd world immigration – a fireable offense sure to get you ostracized.

      The rest just follows naturally.

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    Demographics — deeply implicating race as K2 observes — are one of the Four Horseman as far as the West is concerned. Decent impulses (and Cold War strategy) led to lots of aid being showered on Africa, for example. That aid has not stopped with the result that Africa’s population doubled. Will aid continue without noticing that the population will double again or reach the continent’s absolute maximum carrying capacity, whichever comes first? Aid premised on current and recent wooly-headed thinking WILL

  3. Col. Bunny says:

    dang . . .

    lead to further population increase. With no slack left, I’m guessing that carrying capacity is a future, brutal reality. Even today, the massive African population may be said to have reached carrying capacity (as calculated based on genetics and current African culture) as the huge increase in economic migrants to Europe strongly suggests.

    Europe supinely accepts this flow, intellectually, morally, and emotionally unwilling to do what needs to be done to keep its lands from becoming the dumping grounds for every third-world country — employment of military force.

    Even were Europe or the U.S. to completely stanch the flow of migration, there remains the problem of resident minorities who, with higher birthrates, will accomplish the eventual dispossession of white civilization, just at a slower rate. If Westerners remain wedded to passivity — which is every bit a moral, intellectual, and emotional choice — they and our civilization will disappear in a savage and inferior tide.

    If passivity is not to be the choice of our people, then the demographic facts of resident minority populations must be faced squarely. Were all civilizations and cultures equal and were assimilation something ardently embraced by minorities and immigrants we could go about our business without any attention to demographics. (I cite Sikhs here as an eminently desirable people who, based on my limited experience, have nevertheless impressed me with their intelligence and refined and generous morality.)

    But this is not the reality of this world so we will either passively suffer the enormous damage inflicted on us by fools, clowns, and traitors, or we will face what has to be done to make sure that demographics do not become our epitaph. This is a “rivers of blood” moment in the history of our civilization on both these major issues but so far the indicators are such that our destruction is guaranteed.

    Pardone the language but this is our “cut the crap” moment.

  4. Wombat says:

    This is the new deception.

    Out of a billion twitter users the Washington Times finds five or six grouchy bitches and then writes an article titled “Donald Trump’s Rosie O’Donnell comments anger conservative women”.

    Factually speaking? Correct. Deceptive? Absolutely.

    But this is not news to anyone with their finger on the pulse of our society. The MSM hates Trump because he wont follow the script. They consistently write articles about why he’s a train wreck but are forced to qualify them all with “despite this, however, the polls show…”

    It’s like being forced over and over again to admit that you’re nothing but a chardonnay sipping snob who’s worldliness extends to your office, your inner city apartment, and the confines of your Prius.

    Yes, Andrew Bolt, I’m talking about you. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I have to laugh at the news types. It’s invariably, “Say what you will about Donald Trump but …” or “Love him or hate him, Trump … ” It’s amazing. He’s the only one who’s made mistakes in his life and what could he possibly do without having had govt experience.

      The knives are out.