‘The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal. That’s the equivalent of $4 billion a day spent on vital stuff like carbon trading, biofuels, and wind turbines. Or — as Jo Nova notes — it’s the same amount the world spends every year on online shopping…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The science is settled the scientists say
If somebody was paying me that much, I’d say so too.
You’d give it a second thought, sure. It’s a lot of ping
I doubt you’d go along though – would be too hard to look in the mirror each day for a bloke like you
Yeah it would be, Jamie.
Nah. I’d take the money, refund the deniers their portion and use the rest to whack windmills up in progressive districts.
Timely for this thread, Mark Levin has made available chapter 7 “On the Environment” of his new book Plunder and Deceit found at this link: http://www.marklevinshow.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/301/2015/08/Plunder-Deceit-Chapter7.pdf
He takes a few thousand words to present what has long been obvious: the Progs hate humanity and aim to enslave it and then decimate its numbers, all in the name of a virtual religion he says they call “degrowth” but which you already know is Sustainability worship. Religions that hold human life as sacred must be snuffed out.
Next thing they’ll be telling us is that gummi bears are real:
You mean they’re not??
Haa, haa, very funny KG, well if gummi bears are real, than so is man made global warming, but neither are real. Well actually, if evolution is true, maybe we evolved from gummi bears, and they no longer exist. Some people believe that hobbits, dwarves etc were real and we evolved from them. In any case, I haven’t seen a hobbit or a gummi bear.