Open house

Does anyone else smell a fascist rat when they read phrases such as “routine police checkpoint”?

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22 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Violent Backlash Against Migrants in Germany as Asylum-Seekers Pour In

    Note the NYT language. All those who oppose the invasion of their country are of the “far right”.

    • Darin says:

      There’s that word again-Migrant.Are these people Wildebeests or Canadian Geese?Will they Migrate south again in the spring?Nope,these are invaders,they are intending to stay so they can pillage and plunder.Time to treat them as such :evil:

      • Yokel says:

        Yes, Migrant joins the growing list of words that have been hijacked by the Left, and given the Reversed Meaning treatment.

        Another such is Traveller as used in PC parlance to mean Gypsy & Tinker and instead of the pejorative Pikey. Of course, once the “traveller” has found a nice (usually state provided) pitch that meets his wishes (wealthy surrounding community to plunder, handy nearby field to dump rubbish, etc) then the wheels on his caravan will never turn again for fear that some other traveller will squat on it in his absence!

  2. Darin says:

    Gold mine in Montana saved from immediate closure after armed militia Oath Keepers step in to ‘keep the peace’

    There is a fight coming,the Federal machine will not keep being embarrassed by armed peasants.

  3. Darin says:

    Pictures showing the aftermath of the explosion in China :shock: :shock:

    “Over a thousand new cars were destroyed in the blast”

    They were Renaults,so it was real loss.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Assassination attempt on Ronbo today in Seattle?

    ….or just an accident?

    I wonder who wrote the contract?

    The Clintons?

    The Obama Regime?

    The Secret Service?

    The Muslims?

    I survived – thanks to my military training decades ago in Europe – where we U.S. Army M.I. agents were trained in how to survive being hit by cars – automatic responses developed decades ago saved this old man today.

    Interesting this “confused” guy drives thru a crowd of people at high speed, but manages to hit only me.

    Yes, I may be paranoid – but I do have enemies – and I have had assassination attempt made of my life – ditto many death threats.

    I will be going to law enforcement tomorrow and raise all kinds of hell in Seattle!

    • KG says:

      Good luck, Ronbo.

      • Wombat says:

        Yowsers O_O.

        Best of luck for a speedy recovery. Let’s hope it was simply a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    • Pascal says:

      I’d say yikes toward another man after such an incident, but at least in your case you have good reason to suspect it was not just some crazed individual and that you’re under fire. If there IS any comfort in knowing it wasn’t just bad luck. That and the comfort in knowing that your guardian angel must work overtime.

      • Darin says:

        When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. 3Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident.Psalms 27:2-3

  5. mara says:

    That China explosion? Small beer, only 55 people injured according to Chinese media. Nothing to see here, move along.

  6. Pascal says:

    Hillary Is Out & Here’s Why.

    Any who agree with any part of this analysis — and believe that elections still matter — then you have a hard but doable task. Convince conservative power brokers and primary voters that the most important aspect of the next GOP candidate better not be “who will be the best to beat Hillary,” because that will be preparing to battle the wrong war.

    • Darin says:

      Like I posted in the Rockstar thread-

      Obama needs to take Hillary out of the bid for the WH.

      He wants no viable competition around when the takeover begins. :evil:

      On the bright side Crazy Bernie Sanders is ahead of her in the polls and four of the top five Republicans beat Sanders by a 8-10% margin.

      • Pascal says:

        I’m glad you agree Darin on her not having a snowball’s chance in hell.
        Now I’ll have to go look at your comment.

        • Ronbo says:

          Excellent analysis of the “Hildabeast Problem” and I agree 100%! Obama hates the Clintons worse than he hates the most stalwart Republican – Ted Cruz, for example. After all, Cruz is an open enemy who detests socialism; whereas, the Clintons think they have a better take on socialism than The One. The Clintons are Trotsky to Obama. The Hildabeast will get the ice pick in the middle of the skull. This is inevitable. Ditto her Billy Boy. Obama will not make Lenin’s mistake.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    There was a time when police could only pull you over when they suspected an offence. Now anyone can by be apprehended literally for anything (read: nothing!) This was and is a huge invasion into the personal lives of us all. Did this create a reaction amongst the populace? No! NZ’ers meekly opened their cheeks and “assumed the position.”

    • KG says:

      It staggers me, how meek and compliant people are Cad. They’d be herded into gas chambers with barely a whimper. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        The people are afraid to complain – The PC police are everywhere.

        Yesterday at the ER when the doctor examined me witrh focus on my head injury, I was asked to tell them things like how many fingers do you see. I told him the answer. What’s the date? I told him the answer. Then he asked, “Who’s president of the United States” and I replied, “Do I have to answer the question? I detest the guy?”

        The doctors and two nurses looked at one another in shock, but said nothing…but I did note they were looking over their shoulders to see if anyone else was listening in….like say a PC cop?

        When I saw this reaction, I doubled down, “The current president of the USA is Barack Insane Obama – Traitor, Enemy of the American People.”

        At this point the two nurses left the examination room in a sudden hurry, but the young doctor silently wrote something on his clipboard and noticed his face was turning red.

        I tripled down: “Please tell me you’re not a Muslim! I hate those people and their filthy, degenerate prophet! They make fun of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but draw a picture of their camel loving prophet and they want to kill you. I say what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

        The doctor finally spoke and looked at me with a most critical eye: “Be careful what you say in the ER – there could be Muslims or Democrats present.”

        I fired back, “It’s a free country. I will say what I damn well please!”

        The young doctor “Kildare” turned on his heel and disappeared with his clipboard.