Col. B. Bunny:
‘..It’s clear the world is in these last throes of the failed socialist utopian experiment of which our educated classes and many willing citizens are so enamored. Further economic deterioration, especially, the squeeze on the middle class and unemployed citizens displaced by cheap illegal alien labor, will act like a catalyst for the arrival of America 2.0.
Think “inflection point” in our lifetime, but without the A/C, the buttered popcorn, or the special effects…’
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The world will not allow you to sit back and “watch it burn”.
You will wield the flame or you will burn.
Excellent column!
The sooner America 2.0 (indeed, the *West 2.0*) arrives, the better.
Thank you.
Wombat: This is exactly what happened in the late 18th century – revolution first in America, then Europe, the South America, etc.
History will repeat itself….
The first civil war in America left it smaller. A nation rather than a colony of an larger empire.
The result of the second civil war was that the center held and bent the secessionists to their will.
Both of these wars were fought nominally by white Christians. The losers had the option of simply “getting over it”.
What is America now but a facsimile of the EU with states instead of nations?
I predict its fate will be the same. Balkanisation.
The second civil war was hard fought with much passion and energy on both sides.
Now, when their descendants are faced by enemies who are not brothers but foreigners, strangers, and determined savages who would kill or enslave their families, their is no passion or energy in resistance.
Only passive acceptance, even a welcoming hands.
Did ever nations that preceded us face such a deadly and bizarre combination of weakness, stupidity, possessed women, love of perversion and the trivial, and smug treason?
That plague of toads was a walk in the woods compared to this.
Those foreigners still make up a pitiful minority compared to the dedicated collectivists, my good man.
It would be comforting if it were not so, but America is not being invaded by Mexico. Texas is being invaded by Los Angeles and North Carolina by New York.
Point taken. It’s our friends and neighbors who carry the viruses of socialism, desire for free stuff, sloth, and pig ignorance about history and economics.
PS – my comment above shows I can’t spell but my Android tablet often makes some weird “corrections.”
On the other hand, the case could be made that a World Nation is the next evolution and what we are fighting is a planetary civil war over whether that Federation will be highly centralized or decentralized – slave or free.
The arrow of politics is always towards tyranny, Ronbo.
True, that.
How many men enter politics to avoid exercising control, much less wind it back after it’s been won?
“Did ever nations that preceded us face such a deadly and bizarre combination of weakness, stupidity, possessed women, love of perversion and the trivial, and smug treason? ”
Rome springs to mind, Colonel. There are some interesting parallels, non?
Si. Caligula was … um … confused some. Someone suggested that his mental problems may not have been the reason he appointed a horse to the Senate but rather that he had contempt for the Senate and wished to insult them.
If true I can relate.
Claudius’s wife allegedly competed with a prostitute at a party. I know that’s a bad thing but why can’t I be invited to parties like that?
Sigh…..socially deprived we are, Colonel.