Buy shares in coal mining.

‘German Physicists: Late 20th Century Warming “Nothing Unusual”
Compared to the maxima and minima of the past, the current minima and maxima show that there is nothing unusual happening today. The scientists say today’s temperature changes are within the normal range. The German authors write: “Especially the 20th century shows nothing out of the ordinary.”
…The German scientists write that one result of the well established cyclic behavior over the past 2500 years is that it is justified to assume that the De Vries / Suess solar cycle will continue in the future.
They write that this means that “global cooling is to be expected over the next 60 years..’

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5 Responses to Buy shares in coal mining.

  1. Brown says:

    Yep. Soros is buying up the US coal industry apparently. It will be a bargain for a while.

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    Let’s double up on the hysteria though. Extreme weather and rising sea levels are in our future.

    • Robertv says:

      CLEVELAND, Feb. 16 (A.A.P.) Dr. William S. Carlson, an Arctic expert, said to-night that the Polar icecaps were melting at an astonishing and unexplained rate and were threatening to swamp seaports by raising the ocean levels.
      Dr. Carlson said it would take hundreds of years for the melting to have much effect, but the rate in the last half century had been exceedingly rapid.
      The glaciers of Norway and Alaska are only half the size they were 50 years ago. The temperature around Spitsbergen has so modified that the sailing time has lengthened from three to eight months of the year,” he said. ‘

      Monday 18 February 1952

  3. andy5759 says:

    Oh dear. Does that mean that those who bricked up their fireplaces, and those who bought new builds without such, will freeze to death in their post modernist des res boxes? I only buy the best bow saw blades, along with a mash hammer and wedges no lump of wood is beyond me. Eventually.