Kyle steals a ride:

Thanks to Gantt for this.

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7 Responses to Kyle steals a ride:

  1. Pascal says:

    In another time using different staging, while everybody was paying breathless attention to “Kyle” the pickpockets were very busy. The SSM does it every day but with far less enjoyable stunts.

  2. Darin says:

    Yup,saw that one before,always a fun show

    Speaking of Cub,there is a rebirth taking place,Cubcrafters factory tour-

    The end result-

    • KG says:

      Wow! With a more sophisticated wing, the Carbon Cub would be an amazing STOL airplane!
      And that’s a very impressive plant.

  3. Flashman says:

    A Piper Cub, with that great big booming wing, can make even Fingertight Malcolm look fly good. :P

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Completely (well, almost) O/T … It’d almost be worthwhile getting a pilot’s licence to have a tootle around in one of these …