Get over yerself,

you troughing wanker:  ‘Pita Sharples: Hakarena ‘shameful’..’

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11 Responses to Get over yerself,

  1. Ronbo says:

    So Big Chief Rain-In-The-Face is unhappy over an alleged PC violation!

    Tough titty says the kitty :-)

    The thing is that anything anyone in the world thinks, does, or say pisses off someone else on the planet – who runs to one of the PC Czar and cries a river of tears!


  2. Cadwallader says:

    The cries of the terminally irrelevant! Sharples needs to get over himself if his mana will allow him to do so.

  3. KG says:

    Just why he thinks the Brits should show some special respect to a cannibal slave-owning culture baffles me.

  4. mara says:

    KG, your subject titles are nothing if not pithy. What to add, really?

  5. mara says:

    We say, you are welcome.

  6. Flashman says:

    A stone-age cannibal twerk captured by thugby boofheads for commercial reasons.

    Yes sharpie, you ought to be shamed, but aren’t because you can’t be.

  7. Ronbo says:

    If you want to see a good recent movie (and box office bomb) that documents the savages of New Zealand in all their glorious barbarism and cannibalism – “The Dead Lands” is just the flick for you – but please don’t forget your barf bag, because of its graphic nature.

    The trailer here:


    • Flashman says:

      I watched all four seasons of Spartacus.

      Spartacus is better.

    • Wombat says:

      I watched the trailer. It smacks of one of those (millions of) films where a shrimpy kid does a training montage and suddenly starts beating up guys twice his size, who all seem to stand around looking confused while he Shrimpy Junior engages in his death prance.

      IE its a teen flick aimed at stroking delicate adolescent egos.