Propaganda fail:

‘Most Kiwis don’t want flag change – poll
A new poll shows the four flags shortlisted for a referendum on a flag change have so far failed to win the public over – only 25 per cent of voters want a change….’
Up yours, Key.

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30 Responses to Propaganda fail:

  1. Ronbo says:

    Yes, and a vast majority of Americans didn’t want Obamacare – and we saw how that worked out.

    COME TO THINK OF IT – a majority didn’t want Obama as president in 2008 and 2012 – but either didn’t vote or voted for the RINO.

    We live in an era when the Will of the People means nothing – and the Will of a super minority Leftist Ruling Class is the Law.

    • Phil Stephenson says:

      I was kind of thinking the same thing. Who gives a rat’s arse what the majority wants, they’ll get a new flag rammed down their throats sooner or later. It’ll probably happen in Australia before to long, especially with the new prime minister. My personal take on this whole call for new flags in Australia and NZ is that okay, let’s change the flag to suit the political climate of today, and make all the lefties and whiners happy. So, what happens in maybe another 25 years or so, when things are different again? Do we keep changing the flag every generation or so, just to keep up with the times? Forget stability and tradition, and all those outmoded concepts. As far as I know the last time the US flag was changed was in 1959 when Hawaii became a state and they added another star, and the French Tricolour has been the same since the 1780’s. Changing the flags like Mugabe changes his incontinence pads is truly the mark of a banana republic, but then I guess that would suit some people.

      • Ronbo says:

        I think the real deal with the flag issue is that the goal of today’s International Socialists (…and nearly all Socialists of any stripe are Internationalists) is one world government.

        Yes, it’s an International Socialist war against nationalism – against the nation/state – and the destruction of a country’s flag is an important step.

        Look at Canada, for example, Canadians used to be really stand up guys on the world stage – and at the end of WW II had the planet’s fourth largest military establishment – Canadians were kind of people you wanted to have your back and on your side – they kicked butt and took names.

        However, since the adoption of the “Maple Leaf Flag” in the 1970s – and the introduction of French as the country’s official second language – Canadian nationalism disappeared. Like one Canadian old timer sergeant told me in Germany during the 1970s – “At least in the American army an NCO can yell CHARGE in English; whereas, in bloody Canadian army, I have to yell CHARGE in English and French!”

        At last report the Canadian army had less troops than the Florida National Guard – ditto the navy and air force – and without Canada being defended by NATO – the country would be wide open to invasion from Russia/China or North Korea.

        Did you hear about Agenda 2030?

        This has been the Leftist endgame since 1848….One world…One government…Under the same few people…The Ruling Classes of the world finally united under one roof.

        • andy5759 says:

          That last paragraph in the link coincided with time gennelmen pleez belled at the bar. Scary stuff. Agenda21 has been my particular hobby horse for quite a while. That has yet to sink deep into public consciousness, how on earth am I to introduce my audiences to chapter 30? The march is speeding up, Fabius is forgot, they may over extend, let’s hope. Let’s arm. Let’s remember. Let’s remember in an armed sort of way. Let them know we know.

          • Wombat says:

            Every day that goes by brings me closer to buying a CNC mill and a metal lathe but I figure the money is better spent right now on ammo and components of ammo, since that the first stop they’ll make when serious gun control comes down the line.

  2. KG says:

    “…Changing the flags like Mugabe changes his incontinence pads is truly the mark of a banana republic,”
    And evidence that a very few people are pushing an agenda, the media (or should that be Mefia?) making them seem far more numerous and significant than they really are.

    • Ronbo says:

      What we have, KG, is that scene in the Wizard of Oz where the protagonists pull the curtain back and find a small little man standing on a podium yelling into the microphone that he is the “Great And Powerful Wizard of Oz.”

  3. Flashman says:

    I’m surprised Key decided to push this asinine distraction. Say what you like, he’s proven to be smarter than a maori dog at political management and steering a middle course that your average yeah-nah Kiwi appreciates.

    And yet only a narcissist of Klarkula’s ilk would push $26million on a go-nowhere vanity project. What gives? Hence my surprise, a new flag doesn’t make the boat go faster and the only sensible time to ride on the back of overwhelming public support for such a change.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’m not surprised in the least, flashy.

      Thousands turned out and signed the petition to stop him from criminalising good parents who desire to discipline their children. He told them to GFY. Result: Key 1, New Zealand 0

      He’s given – literally – billions to his crony mates in the corrupt corporate IWI. Anyone who raises any objection is vilified as a racist and a hater. Key 2, New Zealand 0

      Thousands have expressed at mildest, some disquiet about the TPPA and the effect it may have once implemented. Key’s response: GFY, we’re better than you, so just sit down and take what’s coming. Key 3, New Zealand 0

      Keep piling up the outrages, and we’re somewhere around Key 399, New Zealand 0.

      There’s nothing in the historical record over the past 7 years to indicate he would hear, consider or regard any objection to his project. His mistake was to do it by way of referenda. This is the third time the people have had a direct say in a specific policy initiative (anti-smacking law, asset part-privatisation and flag change) and each time he’s been shown to be massively out of step with popular (or at least, rowdy) opinion. The other two occasions, his will was done. This time, unless there’s some rule-change between now and judgement day, he will get a massive rebuke.

      It was a tactical blunder to give Us the final say. And it just proves to me that he has a tin ear; his idea of “popular opinion” comes from consulting his shaving mirror each morning.

  4. Lara says:

    Arrogance, arrogance and arrogance. Key will stop at nothing. Will we even get the second referendum? Why can’t the man just **** off to Hawaii and never ever return. Self important, wanna be, slime-ball, corporate loving zero.

  5. Lara says:

    Yup. He makes Clark look pretty angelic!! Key, why were we so cursed.

    • john says:

      Lara, I think the closest Clark will get to an angel is when one drags her to the Bottomless Pit. As for Key, I’m sure that back in the old USSR he would long ago have been found guilty of, I love this, “rootless cosmopolitanism”.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Key sounds like Dictator Obama’s “Mini Me” – as is well known, these Communists assholes are on the same page – in some cases LITERALLY – Like when our glorious Vice President Biden stole word for word a speech given by a British Labour Party MP.

    So your little Key man sees the high rollers in D.C. ruling like the Caesars and is encouraged to do the same thing in New Zealand.

    I wonder if Key steals Obama’s speeches?

    Did anyone check?

  7. mawm says:

    Key has a new vanity project. He wants to spend up to 100 million of our dollars to bring some pandas, which will still belong to the PRC, to Wellington zoo. There is no way that he’ll make the money he thinks he can from such a project.

    Trying to hide the flop that is his flag debate?

    • KG says:

      100million?? 8O

    • mawm says:

      but one councillor who is opposed believes the project could cost up to $100 million.

      Earlier today, Mr Key said he believed the cost would be less than that, but would still be considerable.

      • KG says:

        Words fail.

        • Darin says:

          Let’s see,have all the roads been paved?Do all the kids have decent schools with competent teachers?Has the crime rate fallen to zero?Is the military well equipped and trained?
          If the answer to any of these is no,then obviously we have found the proper place to apply that $100 million.If the answer is yes,then a refund to the taxpayers is in order and then if people want to they can go to China and see those fat,lazy commie bears all they want on their own dime.

          I wish leftists would emulate the Panda and lay around fat and lazy,chomping Bamboo leaves till they go extinct.