Dishonest AGW scumbags:

‘When twenty alarmist climate scientists wrote to President Obama last week demanding that he use RICO laws to crush dissenting climate skeptics, the world of honest science – it still exists, just about – was rightly and properly appalled.
The hypocrisy and dishonesty of signatory Kevin ‘Travesty’ Trenberth, which we reported here last week, was bad enough.
But just wait till you hear the sorry tale of the letter’s lead signatory, Jagadish Shukla. It’s so murky you’ll wonder what on earth possessed him to stick his head above parapet. And you may well conclude that if anyone in this ugly business is worthy of investigation, it’s certainly not anyone on the skeptical side of the argument…’

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4 Responses to Dishonest AGW scumbags:

  1. Ronbo says:

    Gee, maybe they can get El Poopo to declare those who don’t believe in global warming heretics and turn them over to the Inquisition?

  2. Darin says:

    I see this whole thing as being good.Now these nut roots “scientists” are listed on a convenient list :twisted:

  3. Darin says:

    New horror movie out where some college trust fund eco-warriors go to the Peruvian rainforest to save the rainforest and the indigenous tribe living there from evil capitalists only to be eaten by the people they are going to save.