Don’t all cry at once……

195313_5_  ‘Angry Germans torch ‘migrant’ housing’

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21 Responses to Don’t all cry at once……

  1. tranquil says:

    Great stuff! This has made my weekend!

    At *last*, we see signs that the locals of Europe are starting to fight back.
    I think (at least I *hope*) that this will be the first of countless similar actions in the next few months.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    One does wonder exactly what Angela Merkel thought would happen when she blithely suggested Germany could accommodate nearly a million unwanted and uninvited interlopers.

  3. Ronbo says:

    The first thing the Krauts need to do is get rid of that Commie-Bitch-Traitor Merkel – she is as responsible as Obama and the Pope in enabling this wave of invaders storming the borders of First World countries.

    • KG says:

      Damn right. But they keep electing her. 8O

      • Ronbo says:

        Yeah, like we “elected” Obama TWICE! B.S. – stolen elections – I was stationed in Germany for six years – off and on – during the 1970s – and the average German was no different than the average American when it came to these hideous Muslim creatures!

  4. Odakyu-sen says:

    Looks like some Germans are rediscovering their Inner Goth.

    • KG says: And a good thing too.

      • Ronbo says:

        Americans can learn from our German cousins…We need to burn down some Mosques and kick some Muslim butt…I want Muslims to be AFRAID – and always looking over their shoulders…and people need to stop being so damn polite to them! THESE ARE FREAKIN MURDEROUS BARBARIANS!

        • Darin says:

          “I want Muslims to be AFRAID – and always looking over their shoulders”

          Yes,me too,but back home where they came from.I want them living in fear of seeing the big flash.funny gifs

  5. mawm says:


  6. Odakyu-sen says:

    Francis Fukuyama certainly got it wrong. Remember “The End of History”?

    Fukuyama argues that the advent of Western liberal democracy may signal the endpoint of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government.

    A lot has happened since 1992, Francis.

    History in Europe is about to go hot (again…)

    • Ronbo says:

      It looks like the poop is going to hit the fan in America in late 2016 – because no matter how the election comes out – a lot of people are not going to like the result.

      Also, the freakin economy is moving along on a damaged wing and a prayer – 2008 was just a preview of coming attractions – and the shock waves from a heated presidential election may be just the spark needed for some Wall Street High Roller to do something stupid – and BANG! the Great Depression II starts in the USA and all the economies in the world fall down in a real super 1929 style meltdown in a matter of weeks.

  7. Ronbo says:


    (fingers crossed on his replacement, however…)

  8. Darin says:

    There are some interesting comments about David Petraeus under that article,worth the read.

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh NOES … Another one.