It’s about time someone calls down a marker and plants it were it belongs.
From the article:The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse. They are urging legislators and educators to reject all policies that would condition children to accept chemical and surgical distortions allowing people to impersonate the opposite sex.”
It flatly is child abuse,worse in my mind than any belt mark or bloodied nose.
Cue the disagreement from the social manipulators in 3, 2, 1, ………….
The psychological manipulation of children AND their parents has been a decades long effort, by the politicians and those pulling the strings of said unworthys, to condition people that they should listen and rely on others for family values, rather than using thousands of years of morality, values, decent living, and intelligent thought.
And this isn’t a religious opinion, this is reality.
Thank God someone is brave enough to stand up and speak out against this.
The silent response will be the same.
“What are you going to do about it?”
So we push back against it, and their next response is.
“You have to resist this in your pitifully small amount of free time, and we get paid handsomely to push this agenda all day, every day.”
Exactly. Which is how the left manipulates public opinion, by faking a “mass movement”.
“It flatly is child abuse,worse in my mind than any belt mark or bloodied nose.”
It surely is. Bloody parents who use their kids (or allow them to be used) as lab rats for their own screwed social theories ought to be flogged and then jailed.
Sorry grog, Darin et al. This is a sham report from a sham organisation. There are very few pediatricians in The American College of Pediatricians, in fact they have very few members. It has a few hundred members, at most, and they are all required to swear a “loyalty oath” in order to gain membership. They are a conservative religious group, masquerading as a professional body.
Don’t subscribe to this, can’t become a member. See, this isn’t a group interested in where the science leads, it is a narrow minded mob of prudes.
Almost every topic on their website is a don’t. They are opposed to the same things that right wing evangelicals oppose. But where are their positives?
Contrast this with a genuine professional body, with over 60,000 members, meet the
Here you will find a group of professionals who see childhood as more than a blank slate to have biases and prejudices written upon it.
Sorry,but these days a “group of professionals” carries a stigma of incompetence about it given the evidence we see around us.
So, Dr Riviano, if anyone seeks to join your group, the AAP, they don’t have to agree to the core values and mission statement of your group? if they don’t agree with your group’s views on immigrant children, rather they think the raising of the child is the responsibility of the parents instead of the doctor, they can’t join? And would you be so generous as to list your qualifications and how long you’ve been a medical professional, and in what discipline?
I seem to recall a saying from some years ago, a caution about throwing stones. Just a thought.
“See, this isn’t a group interested in where the science leads, it is a narrow minded mob of prudes.”
Perhaps these core values of the College are the problem for you?
Core Values of the College
The American College of Pediatricians:
1. Recognizes that there are absolutes and scientific truths that transcend relative social considerations of the day.
2. Recognizes that good medical science cannot exist in a moral vacuum and pledges to promote such science.
3. Recognizes the fundamental mother-father family unit, within the context of marriage, to be the optimal setting for the development and nurturing of children and pledges to promote this unit.
4. Recognizes the unique value of every human life from the time of conception to natural death and pledges to promote research and clinical practice that provides for the healthiest outcome of the child from conception to adulthood.
5. Recognizes the essential role parents play in encouraging and correcting the child and pledges to protect and promote this role.
6. Recognizes the physical and emotional benefits of sexual abstinence until marriage and pledges to promote this behavior as the ideal for adolescence.
7. Recognizes that health professionals caring for children must maintain high ethical and scientific standards and pledges to promote such practice.
8. Recognizes the vital role the College has in promoting quality education for parents, physicians, and other health professionals.
If that represents narrow-minded prudery, count me and probably all of us on this site as narrow-minded prudes.