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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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No oligarchy in the history of the world has peacefully went into the night – and the American ruling class will not be the deception.
There Will Be Blood.
George Soros
Radical Leftist – Founder moveon.org … and funder of one Donald J Trump
Cue hysterical outrage in 3…2…1…
Wait a minute,back the truck up-
So Grove Capital LLB,partially owned by Soros was one of three venture capital companies that helped bankroll Trumps Chicago project back in 2004 and somehow Cruz’s campaign spins it to be that he borrowed that money last week.That’s like saying because I drove a 68′ VW Super Beetle once I am a Nazi sympathizer.
Meanwhile which Texas senator was it that joined his buddy Glen Beck down on the border just two years ago to hand out Teddy Bears and blankets to the illegals that were crossing over the boarder?
Sorry,but Cruz’s scales and forked tongue are showing.
Thank you my friend, for making my point so eloquently for me.
And yes, I acknowledge I was blatantly trolling, but it’s only because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.
I had once read that Soros, as a youth during World War II, ratted out his own neighbors and townspeople to the Nazis. If true, I am a bit surprised that no one has stepped up to help the old enema-nozzle shuffle off this mortal coil long before now.
Of course, I would like to think that should a World War III be looming on our respective horizons, Soros’ (et al) complicity will inspire someone to do the world a favor.
he did-
betrayed his own Jewish neighbors– to get in place to ‘earn’ $$$ and postilion –
GRRRRRR again!
Yep, there’s a special place in hell reserved for that particular piece of evil shit.
Trump to talk with Tom Cotton-
Now that would be a winning ticket.
Yep, that could be a great ticket (I suspect Cotton’s going at the suggestion of Jeff Sessions).
What I do think is interesting, though, is that the irony of Trump setting up shop for the day in the offices of a Washington DC lobbying firm, so the Republican establishment can troop in one-by-one, kiss the ring and swear their obeisance to the Emperor Donald is completely lost on those social media “Trump is an OUTSIDER” screamers!
And yes, the GOP hates Cruz that much.
And that’s happening right before Trump goes to AIPAC to lie to the Jooz about his record.
Excellent cover, Gantt. After the elections you can ‘fess up and tell us you were a secret Trump supporter all along.
I like Cotton, a lot – mainly because he was the only one brave enough to vote in favour of the Constitution against the Corker/Cardin Iran bill. I’m surprised to see he only has a ‘C’ rating at Conservative Review.
But no, I will not be confessing to be a closet Trumpeteer. Frankly, he terrifies me.