Philando Castile -was an armed robbery suspect

Once again people are dead because of a false narrative-

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative.  Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.


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27 Responses to Philando Castile -was an armed robbery suspect

  1. Darin says:

    Alton Sterling,seems he tried to kill a cop and failed-

    Missouri officer shot in ambush-


    Postal carrier killed and several other wounded in Tennessee-


  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    And once again, after the outrage and condemnations, the wider picture begins to form. Our betters have to be quick! They don’t want to be caught sermonising when the embarrassing facts emerge.

  3. mara says:

    I call it vermin eradication. Shame that cops have to pay for this reality.

  4. Ronbo says:

    I wonder when white racists will start drive-bys in the ghetto and start taking out blacks at random?

    At the very least race relations have reached their lowest point in 100 years and no rational white feels comfortable anywhere near a group of blacks.

    “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind”


    • KG says:

      The real answer is to take out the Sharptons et al.
      Much more effective and economical. And there must be very, very many ordinary, decent American black families who don’t deserve to share the blame for this crap.

      • Ronbo says:

        I agree, KG. I know many decent blacks who have told me in so many words that “Colored people are okay, but the problem is the niggers.”

    • KG says:

      Stupid, stupid bitch. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        @KG: The tipping point to civil war reached in the USA?

        I see ominous parallels between the late 1850s and events of the last few years….The next step will be pitched infantry style battles in the cities along the lines of what happened in Kanas in 1855/56. Even the political parties are in opposition with Democrats supporting the insurrection and the Republicans standing for law and order.

        What do you think?

        • MikeH. says:

          What do I think???

          There is a massive shit storm looming on the horizon and when the shit hits the fan, obama will have everything he needs to invoke marshal law, ban private ownership of firearms, suspend the upcoming elections and create the Kingdom of Obamastan.

          Ronbo, I think I may have you out nutburgered. I guess we will know for sure over the course of the next few months.

          • KG says:

            I reckon there’s a very real chance of that scenario coming to pass.
            Interesting times we live in….

  5. Brown says:

    Girl is as fake as a $3 bill but I’m still not convinced the shooting was justified. Time and facts will tell I hope but as is usual news will have moved on by then. Mistakes happen but I’d hate to be lumped with that 6′ 100kg middle aged white boy in t-shirt and jeans seen doing something silly just because I, like thousands of others, fit the description.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Sonnie Johnson said this was coming in January. Play the video and hear what is wrong with Republicans and The Tea Party. THEY DO NOT LISTEN!!

    • KG says:

      And she’s absolutely right.
      But who in “conservative” politics has the balls to name, confront and combat it?

  7. KG says:

    Oh yeah? Good luck with that, sonny:
    ‘Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing “our own government in a nation within a nation.” (Snip) Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the “Black Nation”: Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. The revolutionary stated: “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out.”..’

  8. Darin says:

    “our own government in a nation within a nation.”

    Remember what Greenfield said about the coming 4th generation islamic state?Muslims wanting to setup nation states inside western nations?Well,here we go.

  9. Darin says:

    Judge Jeanine via the Still report-

  10. mawm says:

    Pandora internet radio supports BLM – just terminated my account. Apparently Spotify is better.

    • Darin says:

      Never had an account with Pandora,but good on you for telling them to stuff it.