Obama’s Milwaukee

So a black,convicted felon,suspected of murder and witness intimidation,running from police an carrying a stolen gun,is shot justifiably by a black policeman and the response is …..wait for it….burn everything down and…oh…kill whitey!

Front Page Mag-

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10 Responses to Obama’s Milwaukee

  1. Urban Redneck says:

    Milwaukee always reminds me of Howard, Marion, Richie & Joni Cunningham, as well as the Fonz. It probably was like that once before liberalism did its damage.

    • Darin says:

      Exactly right it was.Milwaukee was a blue collar manufacturing town.What Detroit was to the automobile industry Milwaukee was to every industry that the Auto industry relied on.Many names synonymous with quality American manufacturing hailed from Milwaukee. Kohler,Harley Davidson,Marion Shovel ,ALCO and the list goes on.

      But liberalism likes creating ghettos and here we are.

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    This seems like a response from people with very little cognitive ability who would probable score poorly in IQ tests.

    • Darin says:

      A complete waste of human potential.50 years ago their grandparents would have been educated,had jobs and and a strong family structure.But social welfare and liberalism ALWAYS destroys,it never builds.

  3. KG says:

    They’re mere pawns in a much larger game and too stupid to see that.

  4. Darin says:

    Huge police turnout for Trump in Miami-



    More here-


  5. thinkingman says:

    See that? White people are SOOO privileged, they need not even be involved to be blamed!