Perjury,criminal conspiracy?

In the Democratic party those are top qualifications-

“When she took office four years ago Kathleen Kane, the first Democrat and first woman elected Pennsylvania attorney general, was thought to have a promising political career ahead of her. But on Monday that came to an end when a jury convicted her of all nine counts in a perjury and obstruction case. She faces up to seven years in prison for each of two felony perjurycounts.”

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5 Responses to Perjury,criminal conspiracy?

  1. paul scott says:

    This Clinton Foundation business is massive. You will need about 30 minutes. The charitable trust investigator is Charles Ortel.

  2. KG says:

    “She faces up to seven years in prison for each of two felony perjury counts.”
    I’m willing to bet she gets nothing like that.

    • Ronbo says:

      Right, you are, KG!

      Those who expect prison or scandal to bring down the Clintons are sadly mistaken …Over 30 years worth of Clinton crimes and nothing has been done to them.

      However, no one is free from the Law of Karma – and they will meet their Waterloo.

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    Caught and sentenced after just four years. And Hillary’s been dodging the law for decades.
    They don’t make lying crafty Democrats the way they used to.