Stealing a country – New Zealand

‘..The Nga Rohe Moana o Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Bill (No 2), which gives effect to a deed of agreement between Ngati Porou and the Crown for around 200 km of the East Coast coastline north of Gisborne, highlights the cost to taxpayers of bogus coastal claims…’
‘Political meddling threatens our coastline’

Kiwi media are keeping taxpaying New Zealanders in the dark about this outrage; I believe that’s deliberate. Their silence is a disgrace.

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20 Responses to Stealing a country – New Zealand

  1. Lara says:

    With the unelected mob we have in power, nothing surprises me. Never seen such a destructive govt, nor such a hard, left, complicit MSM. Gagging, a few months in, they are actually evil.

  2. Darin says:

    I wonder if the scheme is using “minority social justice” to take control of land they don’t currently have control over and then sell/lease it to the Chinese at a hefty profit??

    It’s been done over here before and it’s the same ideology responsible for it.

    • KG says:

      Evil and incompetent, Lara. Take a look at this!
      How’s that for the media giving these creeps a free pass, eh?
      Darin, they’ve been given BILLIONS in cash and taxpayer-owned land and assets yet they scheme and plot and hold their hands out for more. Still many Maori (and whites and Islanders) live in poverty yet all those billions have provided scarcely a house.
      One thing’s for sure – the Maori “leadership” certainly don’t represent or help ordinary maoris, which is why the racist Maori Party was utterly rejected by their own peple at the last elections.
      So yes, I believe a whole lot of the prime land these bastards are stealing will end up in Chinese hands, like so much of NZ’s wilderness estate has.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        If anyone believes the little titbit toward the end about Arden assuring everyone other decisions won’t be made like the decision to ban all oil and gas exploration, I would recommend a stay in a psychiatric institution.

  3. mawm says:

    This one worries me. When our “Climate Change Minister” Shaw starts off with the wrong premise..

    “The impacts of climate change are already real, with more damage caused by storms, droughts, coastal and river floods, which don’t just affect property but also have impacts on where and how New Zealanders live and work,” he said.

    As far as I know this statement is 100% fallacious, and then we are going to go beyond the Paris Agreements requirements by 2050. The lunatics are truely in charge of the asylum.

    • KG says:

      They sure are, which is why, I believe, the MAJORITY of New Zealand voters rejected all three of those parties.
      So the rejected minorities get together to form an uninformed, ignorant and arrogant rabble and call it “government”
      Ain’t MMP grand?

      • Cadwallader says:

        I am actually speechless about this lot. Their stupidity is only matched by their duplicity. I hear from a quiet source in the multi-international Schlumberger that suing the NZ government is in their sights. The named company has spent $150mill on offshore surveys but now through this one act of corruption these monies have been set to waste. This decision, even were it to be reversed tomorrow, has cast a deep and disturbing cloud over energy resources in NZ. Who would bother to return?

        • KG says:

          It’ll be Venezuela writ small, Cad.
          I’m astonished that the country I was so impressed with 30 years ago could descend so quickly into a corrupt, incompetent little Pacific backwater.

  4. Lara says:

    MMP is as corrupt as the corrupt, incompetent, stupid rabble of govt. Can’t wait to see the tossers kicked back to the gutter by the electorate next time (and for the next ten to fifteen years as punishment for their sheer audacity and arrogance), which at the rate they are going, with their obvious ineptness and utter destructiveness across the board, I am sure they will be. Shame about NZ getting shredded in between though!

    • KG says:

      Just so, Lara.

      • Brown says:

        The issue then arising will be will National undo any of it?

        • KG says:

          Of course not, Brown. Why would they give away another slice of power – another brick in the totalitarian wall – when the other side has already paid the political price for it?
          Think of it as the Theresa May gambit.