Open House 6/8/18

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94 Responses to Open House 6/8/18

  1. Darin says:

    Charles Krauthammer says goodbye –
    Via Breitbart-

  2. Carole says:

    So much good news out of Austria and Italy, love it.

  3. Darin says:

    That is one well endowed Forging Shop :shock:

  4. Darin says:

    Forging sledge hammer heads-

    A factory made item,still done one at a time,by hand.

    • Gregoryno6 says:
      Not too many years ago the men working that iron would have told their sons ‘Get an education.’ Now we’re desperate to preserve their skills in world where every useless 25yo has an equally useless degree.
      What was happening at about 07:00? The head was polished, then heated up again. What does that do?

      • Darin says:

        They are quenching the faces of the hammer to harden them.Ideally in a hammer you want the faces to be in the 50-58 Rockwell range with everything inbetween them being softer.So the faces can work without deforming,but the hammer can absorb huge amounts of shock without cracking or scaling off schrapnel.

        More on the science behind heat treating steels-

        Most hand forging was a dead trade and a nearly extinct skillset 40 years ago.It was kept alive by a few smiths in various living history museums and some craftsmans guilds and of course Farriers.It started to come back in vogue as it gained popularity among the first wave of baby boomers in the US and Canada.Mostly middle aged men looking for a hobby to stay busy through their retirement and an artistic outlet,but also as a means of bonding with other men (See Jordan Peterson and Camile Paglia’s discussion on the role of men and women)
        Overtime it’s caught on and now the younger kids are getting into it in a big way.It’s a good hobby that can turn into a career that doesn’t cost a ton of money to get started in.

  5. Darin says:

    Matthew Charles: Justice-vs-The Law

    • KG says:

      Why is Bill Whittle sitting there looking like a retard at the opening? I don’t recall him looking like that.

      • Darin says:

        I don’t know either,he’s looked off a few times recently,I hope he’s not ill.

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        BW originally took the lead on Right Angle, but often now one of his cohorts will originate the story. I don’t think there’s any cause for alarm (BTWTFDIK)

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      It’s not good, but when I’ve followed links to the DM I’ve usually noticed that their side panel is packed tight with stories about F-grade Brit celebrities. Former page 3 girls who survived cancer and gave birth to triplets – that sort of crap.
      Not exactly a news source, but I guess it has a readership.
      Time those readers discovered Breitbart London, eh?

  6. Ronbo says:

    The end of The Third Reich….err “The New World Order?”….Murdered most foully by President Trump during his visit to Canada? Blood everywhere? EEK!

    There is a problem here? LMAO!

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Some people are surprised that Paul Ryan is backing amnesty. Why now? Well, he gave notice in April that he would be retiring. Big business is arguing strongly for amnesty and is the destination for many ex-congressmen. I think it’s clear that he’s working on his new career in big business. Any other suggestions?

    • KG says:

      Shoot the bastard?

      • Ronbo says:

        Why waste the time and the ammunition on a low I.Q. stooge for the ruling class? There are many Paul Ryan whores waiting patiently in line for a chance to make the big bucks and he is easily replaced…

        No, if you really want to destroy the American Left go after the K Street crowd in Washington, D.C. who write the legislation, decide the legislative tactics, sign the bribe checks, i.e., the puppet masters like George Soros – the real power behind the throne who put America on the road to totalitarianism – but keep their skirts nice and clean – and their names out of the news.

        So go after the money men ruling class with chains and locks!!!

        The fact is the professional politician/whore is the oldest profession for men – and to steal a quotation from Bomber Harris of WW II RAF fame, “The bribe will always get thru.”

        We The People can only limit the damage rogue politicians can do….by means of open primary elections..term limits…iron clad constitutional limits to power… and strict/swift/sure prosecution of politician/criminals.

        “Democracy is a terrible form of government, except for all others tried.” Sir Winston Churchill

        • Darin says:

          “Any other suggestions?”
          Big picture-Ryan is in the deep end of the establishment deep state.Rightnow it’s looking like the Republicans have a chance at keeping both houses of Congress and possibly even picking up a few seats.If that happens,then Trump’s agenda will move forward and that is not what the establishment wants to have happen.
          They want to stop Trump,the surest way for that to happen is for the Republicans to lose either the House or the Senate,the surest way to make that happen is to revive this amnesty nonsense because they know it will drive many conservatives away from the polls.
          These establishment stooges like Ryan don’t care about getting re-elected.They already have all the money they will ever need and many times more working as a lobbyist.

          • KG says:

            The point was, to make an example of the creep. These people aren’t brave. The most economical way to wipe out corruption is by harsh example and while it’ll never work 100%, it sure beats the corrupt ballot-box method.

  8. Darin says:

    Personally I am glad he’s having a bad year and frankly hope he FOADS-

  9. Pascal says:

    When will NZ get its own?

    Thanks to GoV.

    • KG says:
      The answer to your question, Pascal, is probably never. Theyd need a politician with principles and courage, and there are none that I can see.

      • mawm says:

        Brash was the closest hence the immediate media, academia and left-wing storm of vitriol heaped on him.

          • Ronbo says:

            Another Ronbo, “I told you so!” –

            Eight years ago when the Tea Party Revolution first broke out in protest to Obama’s “A Bridge Too Far” attempt to steer the country into the slavery of socialized medicine by way of his “Obamacare” – I predicted that the nationalist revolt in America – the most populous country in the Anglosphere – would ignite in time nationalist revolts all over the Western World starting in Britain.

            Today we see this happening in America’s Mother Country, where the arrest of Tommy Robinson appears to be a British Bridge Too Far!

            I think the Saxons have woke up at long last and are looking for a latter day Cromwell to read the riot act to the self appointed ruling class.

  10. KG says:

    “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a … WORLD GOVERNMENT …. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
    David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

  11. KG says:

    R.I.P the Australian Army:

    May this cow, others like her and the Army brass for enabling it rot in hell.
    Women and their scrotumless pseudo-male fellow travellers are the chief destroyers of Western civilization. :evil:

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    So Ergodan predicts a ‘holy’ war because Austria stands up for itself. I wonder how he thinks the final outcome will be different this time?

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    Remind me…How much was D’Sousa charged with over spending on a campaign contribution?

  14. mawm says:

    Scandal free Presidency? That’s because they hid everything. I’ve always said that right from the beginning the whole administration ran on an unofficial and masked email system. They were almost certainly a bunch of traitors planning the destruction of America in smokey rooms. The question that remains is who was behind Obama making the decisions? Jarret was his/their agent.

    “And yet the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges. So far, former President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Lynch and several EPA officials have been named as offenders…………….. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy called it “an unauthorized private communications system for official business for the patent purpose of defeating federal record-keeping and disclosure laws.””

  15. KG says:
    Just one response to this crap:
    Groin Kick
    Grow up, you arrogant dumb cow and recognise that women can make up their own minds without slimy mealy-mouthed lectures from ageing harridans such as you.What they choose to wear is simply none of your damn business.
    It’s called “freedom”, a word you’re largely unacquainted with, living as you do in the Wimmins Girly Paradise of New Zealand.

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    What are a few thousand lives when you are ‘saving the planet’?

    • KG says:

      From that link:
      ‘..Despite $557 million in quiet funding by rich liberal foundations to wealthy alarmist groups, people are also figuring out that the Paris treaty actually has little or nothing to do with the climate or environment. “Climate change” is now used to justify replacing the capitalist economic model with a global governance system – and redistributing the world’s resources and wealth. The treaty itself says climate action must include an emphasis on “gender equality,” “empowerment of women,” “intergenerational equity” and “climate justice.” These are the “climate dangers” that supposedly justify lethal CAFÉ rules…’
      Time to shitcan the whole caboodle.

  17. Darin says:

    Polio makes a comeback in Venezuela-

    The Socialist’s utopia

  18. KG says:

    Why has this clown not been named? Prospective clients of this practice are entitled to have enough information to base their decisions on!

    So, we’re supposed to gamble and hope like hell the doc we’re dealing with isn’t the doc mentioned in the article?
    Not that Wabbit would be- he refuses to see another female GP after an appalling experience when he came back to NZ the last time.

    • Ronbo says:

      This tragic affair looks like the woman was another victim of socialized medicine which allows unqualified doctors to practice medicine and rations access to life saving technology – I remember when I lived in Florida that many Canadians came down to the excellent hospitals in Central Florida for needed medical procedures they couldn’t get in Canada due to their socialized medicine regime.

      In fact, Floridians coined a name for them: “Medical tourists” who combined vacation with needed medical care.

      • KG says:

        I object to the secrecy, not NZ health care, which in my experience has been almost uniformly outstanding.

        • Ronbo says:

          Oddly enough, the Canadian medical tourists I met in Orlando, Florida over a period of years all supported socialized medicine like you do- and this was true of a guy I knew from Toronto who was put on a ten year waiting list for an MRI –

          However, being a doubting Thomas with a good saving account, he and the family flew to Orlando where he did the MRI at ORMC (Orlando Regional Medical Center) in less than ten days paid for out of pocket – thus the condition was discovered and surgery done – If he had accepted the quack socialist doctors of Canada opinion he would have died long before his number came up on the rotation.

          Yet he still believed and supported socialized medicine!

          What can I say? It boggles the mind!

          I wonder if Canada has midwives? I mean how old fashioned and dangerous for mother and child? Yet from the comments at Crusader, I gather New Zealand still has midwives as part of the socialist medicine plan.

          In America midwives never happen unless mom is some kind of buzzed out radical Leftist – the babies are delivered at hospitals, as is fitting, proper and with the best in medical available if the birthing goes wrong.

          • KG says:

            I DO NOT “support socialised medicine” and I refuse to be provoked by fools who try to put words into my mouth and mis-represent my beliefs despite good evidence to the contrary.
            Reply to any more of my comments and I’ll delete the reply, Ronbo. May as well exercise some of that “hypocrisy” you accused me of. :lol:

            • Darin says:

              Ron,people generally like the system they know best,so asking Canadians,British etc if they like their system doesn’t do much good.
              Same with the VA system here,ask any Vet and they will tell you it’s the best in the world,except for all the people who die in it either through gross negligence or obscene wait times.
              And for what it’s worth,IIRC The UK is the only one in the Anglosphere with true socialized medicine.IIRC Canada,Australia and NZ all have two tiered systems that are partly social and partly private.
              That Australia and NZ’s systems seem to be still working well is probably due to being surrounded by oceans and not having millions of illegal aliens and “refugees” dumped on their systems.
              The US,Canada,the UK and most of western Europe are all headed for disaster in terms of healthcare.It’s only going to get more expensive as our populations get older and our leaders keep dumping huge numbers of poor,uneducated and unhealthy 3rd worlders on our backs.

  19. Darin says:

    The people claiming to be “tolerant” are usually the most intolerant of all.

    • Darin says:

      She needs to tell the rest of the story about what must be sacrificed to be in a male dominated field and why it’s male dominated in the firstplace.

  20. Darin says:

    Tomatoes like most plants on Earth have evolved to grow opposite to the pull of Earth’s gravity.I transplanted a few plants lastnight into hanging buckets upside down.They turned and starting trying to grow right side up overnight.

  21. Pascal says:

    JBP wraps up the Leftist Sinister attack on all Western civilization in one 5 minute video that employs memorable graphic representations provided by Prager U staff.

    Darin: I considered making this a thread starter, but I thought it best to leave that to you.

  22. Darin says:

    Bearing: Jizz Tickets


  23. KG says:

    The sheeple will comply:
    24,000 homeless in Auckland? pfffft…this stuff is far more important.

    • Darin says:

      How about a single stream waste collection system?
      All the garbage goes in one can-
      Is collected and trucked to a central destination outside the city-
      At destination various metals and plastics that can be recycled are removed-
      The remainder is shredded and screened before drying to < %2 moisture- Then the shredded and dried "fuel" is blown under a boiler and burned to produce steam- The steam is used to power a 100Mw powerplant and the power is sold to the commercial grid at a 45% profit providing a return to the city- There are no emissions besides C02 as the plant's stacks are scrubbed by air separation/catalyst units - There are no landfills,there is no plastic in the Ocean,no groundwater is poluted and no money and time are wasted. But there isn't any pocket money and self aggrandizement for politicians so it couldn't possibly work.

      • KG says:

        “But there isn’t any pocket money and self aggrandizement for politicians so it couldn’t possibly work.”
        And that’s they key to why so many commonsense solutions aren’t

  24. Darin says:

    Did Justin Trudeau just hang himself with his own rope?

    Nah,cause libtard double standard.

  25. Darin says:

    Turning point for Germany’s migrant policy?

    I’m not holding my breath.

  26. Darin says:

    Irrelevant Gasbag and Soy Boy Prime Minister team up to help Trump’s re-election campaign-

    What a couple of idiots :lol:

  27. Pascal says:

    Occasional commenter here at CR, SENECA III at GoV this morning:

    Every father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousin in Europe, the UK the US and throughout the rest of the Euro-Anglosphere should pause for a moment and consider this:

    “Imagine that poor child’s fear, pain desperation and disbelief as she bled to death in broad daylight in the middle of a modern city, and also the similar fate of the many others who have been raped and tortured unto death alone and unheeded, then ask yourselves who will be next if I do nothing but protest and hope it will not happen to me or mine.”

    It will if you do not rise up and take violent action now, first against your own who enable this and then against the barbarian horde, then it will happen to you and yours time and time again and it will happen sooner rather than later for it is the way of Islam and Africa down all the centuries and they will not change now no matter how much Danegeld you throw at them.

    And above all things understand this – at the moment you are many, and they are few, but that ratio will not sustain for much longer.

  28. KG says:

    This woman is a self-absorbed effing idiot. The guy was just a very good cook for gawdsakes!

  29. Darin says:

    Trash Panda climbs 23 story building-

    Gotta be the Edmund Hillary of the Racoon world :lol:

    • Ronbo says:

      Yeah, and I bet he’s one P.O.d coon, because all he got as a reward was a lousy can of cat food and trip back to the middle of the woods – far, far away from the tasty treats found in urban areas – especially in the dumpsters behind five star eateries downtown!

  30. Darin says:

    Clint Smith;How to Deal with Liberals-

  31. KG says:

    First, it’s bullshit as usual from the NZ herald:
    Antarctica’s potential threat: ‘Urgent action is needed’
    then we have this, NOT from the NZ Propaganda Ministry:
    Climate change lie? NASA finds huge heat-source in Antarctic behind ice shelf crumbling

    • Darin says:

      “Urgent action” and just WTF kinda of action would they suggest?Big honking ice maker install?

  32. Darin says:

    It hasn’t gotten any press since Trump was elected,but Jeff Sessions has been busy doing one thing right-

    This in addition to busting hundreds of child prostitution rings since taking over at the DOJ.

    • Pascal says:

      It’s not the first time this has been said, so I’m not hopeful that the sheeple will yet notice.

      Please accept my repeating this:

      Despite the alleged separation of church and state, belief in Sustainability is widely held in American secular government. Judeo-Christian moral guidelines have been incrementally supplanted by what can best be described as neo-pagan ones. Consequently, notice where rulers never utter a harsh word against Malthusian, Utilitarian, Green and Islamistophilic nutcases. There the ruled are at grave risk.

      Notice yet again that nobody in the wider government or its SSM is condemning the the Berkeley City Council resolution. “No enemies to the Left” is the long standing Prog motto. The Progs forever use radicals as avante garde, as shock troops, to push the envelope of what the sheeple will accept.

      Related to what the sheep are inculcated to accept: see the Tommy Robinson thread.

    • Pascal says:

      Okay, we have more along these lines. This time from the radicals in the California Senate Committee.

      It is indisputable that gay people have less children. So in agreement with this Berkeley demand, we have passing a legislative hurdle earlier this week a bill for a law that would makes it a crime of fraud to provide gay corrective measures to a person seeking to change.

      AB 2943 allows the government of CA to mandate that:

        Same sex attraction is irreversible. The person is and will always be that way.

        Paying anyone for counseling/therapy for same sex attraction is an unfair business practice, as payment for this type of service is a fraud, because it never works.

        Any type of conversion therapy/counseling is a fraud. It does not work. Ever.

      Writing agenda opinion into law always works. Ever. /s Ask the victims of the various gulags of the past. Oh, you can’t.

  33. Ronbo says:

    The U.S. Army is 243 years old today…The American Army – the first of the Armed Forces was founded on June 14, 1775 at Boston, Massachusetts – and since the British Army wore the world famous Redcoat, the U.S. Army adopted the Bluecoat. Today the dress uniform of the U.S. Army is once again blue – a big improvement from the green dress uniform we wore when I was on active duty.

    I live in Seattle, Washington which is one of the most Leftist cities in world, but when I wear my U.S. Army sweatshirt people often say, “Thank you for your service.” I’ve even been treated to free coffee at – believe it or not! – STARBUCKS! (gasp!) here in the downtown.

    This kindness by ordinary citizens and businesses is a far cry from the Vietnam Era of the 60s and 70s when wearing your uniform in public risked a knock down drag fist fight with some dirty hippy who hated the military. Likewise Vietnam veterans were treated like garbage when job hunting and if you put on an employment application that you saw combat service in Vietnam, the personnel manager often threw it the trash can. At airports, train stations and bus depots service members wearing uniforms as was required by regulation in those days while in transit to new duty stations were frequently spit on and called “baby killers” by the college crowd and other civilians

    But since 9/11 that’s all changed and the polls say the U.S. military is the most respected institution in this country – as indeed it should be – in country consumed by politics, the U.S. military remains non-political and defends all shades of opinion.

    • Ronbo says:

      The poop done hit the fan today: The DOJ I.G. Report was just released – Excellent coverage at Breitbart:

      The bottom line is the report is a typical ass covering memo we have come to expect from the Leftist Swamp Creatures – Nevertheless, wimpy as the slap down to the Leftist traitors is in this report – it confirms what we Rightists have charged the gitgo of the scandal – Hillary committed numerous felonies, that Obama was in the loop and in command, that the FBI, CIA, NSA were involved in a cover up and coup attempt.

      • Pascal says:

        Along these lines, I spotted this headline FBI orders bias training for employees after latest embarrassing emails


        The only time they should display their biases openly is when they have their target over a barrel and would like to drive home the, er, idea, that it would go easier on them to comply. SOP?

        • Ronbo says:

          When I was in the U.S. Army, we had plenty of Lefties in the ranks and even in the officer country – but that didn’t stop them from shooting the hell out of the Communists.

          In fact, I knew one medic who proclaimed himself a follower of Leon Trotsky and Jack Reed of Russian Revolution fame, but when call went out for “Medic!” he went into a steel hurricane to save many a wounded Republican…

          So in the Armed Service we all had our political bias and in stand down safe in a rear area, we would have heated arguments over politics.

          However, we also had a thing called honor to defend the U.S. Constitution against those deemed enemies of the United States by a freely elected government – and to take care of our buddies.

          Unfortunately, a large number of FBI agents have never heard of “Duty, Honor, Country!”

    • Ronbo says:

      Man boobs….It happens to older men.

      Solution: “The Bro” (which the male version of the bra wore by Putin)

  34. KG says:

    Selling NZ to China,#234:

    Allowing massive Chinese influence in a Western country will never end well.

  35. Ronbo says:

    New Zealand to tax tourists (because the Yanks aren’t going to say anything about another tax after paying $1,500 for the airlines ticket)

    So I propose a tax on New Zealanders visiting the USA…I mean they are such messes blokes to clean up after a visit.