Tommy Robinson

UPDATE: Original video taken down,new one is up as a replacement

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20 Responses to Tommy Robinson

  1. Darin says:

    Better sense of the crowd turnout-

    Looks like we’re in business!

  2. KG says:

    ‘London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson’s Release’

    Oh, and nothing about this in NZ’s NZ Herald and Stuff online “news” sites. Total blackout. :evil:

  3. mawm says:

    Violence explodes at Tommy Robinson protest Five arrested!

    Why would they? Sounds like a false flag..

    • KG says:

      The Daily Mail is indistinguishable from any other leftist/globalist media outlet these days.
      Note every protester was “far right” and the crowd size was reported as 1,000!

  4. Ronbo says:

    “Mischief, thou art afoot. Take thou what course thou wilt.”

    Yes, the Daily Mail – and the rest of the Commie Media – will slant the news reporting to attempt to make barbarians out of the “Far Right” nationalist protests happening in London even as we type – while at the same time ignoring the counter protest violence of their black guards the ANTIFA – but it’s too late! The nationalist Genie is out of the bottle – and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men will not be unable to stuff the plug back in – especially if Tommy Robinson is murdered in prison – as so many have predicted.

    In that horrible case – the British Revolution will have its first martyr!

    “Mischief, thou art afoot.” …

  5. Brother Antony says:

    Full UK Sitrep here if you have 30 minutes to spare:

  6. KG says:

    ‘What Price Normandy?
    Our stifling culture of PC now makes the sacrifices of those young men who fell in Normandy seem, well, not in vain, but hardly worth it. The material and spiritual degradation of the postmodern West—the porn, the violence, and the greed—are not worth the life of a single Green Jacket, GI, or Panzergrenadier. Call me a cynic if you like, but after visiting the graves of the young American, British, Canadian, and German soldiers, grief was replaced by rage at what we’ve done with our precious victory…’

    • Ronbo says:

      I think many historians consider it a great injustice America threw its weight behind the vengeful Treaty of Versailles that assigned 100% of the blame for WW I on Germany, as there was plenty of blame on the heads of both warring alliance systems in what amounted to a European civil war.

      Thus crushed by the Allied Powers and in particular the French, it was almost inevitable that Germany wanted revenge – in particular against the French – and Hitler gave the Germans what they wanted in 1939: Round Two in what amounted to the same World War with 20 odd years of peace between rounds.

      Yes, Churchill was right when he said there were many lost opportunities by the Allies to stop Round Two of the World War – America shares a good portion of blame – we came in like gang busters in 1917 and saved the day for the Allied Powers, but by 1923 America withdrew from Europe. What if America had stayed and talked the other Allies into an early version of NATO that included Germany? What if America had came up with an early version of the Marshal Plan and helped rebuild Northeast France?

      Alas! In history there are no do overs and the flower of a generation of young Europeans and Americans died in a war that should have never been fought.

  7. K2 says:

    Wilson should be considered the worst President ever for a number of reasons.

    • Ronbo says:


      Democrat President Wilson was a royal fuck up from the gitgo!

      Well, this is what happens when a pointy head intellectual moron with delusions of grandeur somehow gets elected president! I rate Wilson as the worst president of the 20th century and Democrat President Obama as the worst president (so far!) in the 21st century: traitors – racists – progressives – pseudo intellectuals both men separated by 100 years.

      Like the main said, “History repeats itself – the first time as tragedy and the second time by farce.”

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    “The video is not available”