The Meeting-


What happens if he pulls it off?

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23 Responses to The Meeting-

  1. MacDoctor says:

    What will happen is the Democrats will wail and moan about how Trump did not address the evil social issues in North Korea. It has already begun, in case Trump succeeds n

    • Ronbo says:

      It literally doesn’t matter what Trump does – the Left is going to hate him!

      In fact, they will double hate him for bringing about peace in Korea. High ranking Leftists are calling for a new Great Depression because that would end Trump’s presidency.

      Why the hate storm, which by the way, includes the “Deplorables” like me – some 150 million strong? The reason is simple: Trump will destroy the Left as a national movement.

      It’s as simple as that – the American Left (and the Left in Europe) is facing Waterloo – and they have only hate to stop the rising tide of nationalism.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Exactly what is happening. The NZ (apology for) media are doing the same thing. There appears to be nobody in the media here who can use the words “President Trump” it is always a snorted “Trump” yet they give the NoKo leader his full title. The same media claims the President has gone no farther than the former President Clinton. Let’s wait and see shall we…the future is to be resolved but I expect President Trump’s gusto, vivacity and audacity will reap a sound outcome. After a year and a half of his Presidency the President has proved he can see and respect reality. The dribbling Democrats appear to be drenched in their dreaming bitterness and inability to think. (Maybe that’s their natural state?)

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The Left is trying out various themes trying to say why Trump shouldn’t get any credit or be chastised for the thaw in NK relations. I have seen , “He is only taking advantage of years of work by many Americans (‘He didn’t build that’); it’s only a photo op and nothing has changed; and the agreement was decided in secret, we don’t know what’s in it (so it must be nefarious). MacDoctor’s reason has also surfaced. They’re chipping away throwing around a bunch of whines to see what works and playing on the paranoia of their followers.

    Basically , it boils down to what Ronbo said, they hate Trump, what and who he representsand to confer credit to him for any good outcome in foreign or domestic policy can’t be thought of.

    • mawm says:

      All those years of work! Even Barry in his 8 years couldn’t pack up enough crates of cash for Kim and promise him if he liked his nukes he could keep his nukes.

    • Brown says:

      A win win then.

      • Darin says:

        So California will be less Communist after the switch?

        • Pascal says:

          You know Darin, maybe.

          You see, Sacramento is currently filled with the most radical Democratic Party members to be found anywhere.

          First of all, loads of them are on record as saying that communism has never been done right. Kim loves to hear that.
          Then they being ever-ready to start the next revolution is the reason Stalin dealt as he did with Trotsky.

          So, yes, there is good reason to see that California could indeed become less filled with communists as the current morons think it can ever be.

            • Pascal says:

              It won’t work. The primary reason for the split would be for the red country-side to be rid of the parasite infested blue cities. This would leave each segment still dominated by corrupt cities. I live in L.A. It sucks to be anything to the right of a GOPe type.

              The Swiss canton of Basel-Landschaft split from Besel-Stadt in 1833 leaving the city with 37 sq km while taking 518 sq km. The current population density of the city is roughly 10 times the surroundings. They are on friendlier terms now, and “talk” about reunification. LOL

              Good fences make for good neighbors universally and the globalist pigs know it.

            • Pascal says:

              Following on from my previous warning.

              Right now you have Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris fouling up an already foul US Senate.

              How would you like six of ’em instead of two?

              • Darin says:

                It will never happen,but given the recent near disaster primary for dems in a state they control there is no certainty that all six would be dems and the electroial lock if broken would insure dems would have a harder time getting presidents elected which would greatly benefit the rest of the nation.

                • Pascal says:

                  I like your thinking better than my own. But as I’ve seen voter fraud get progressively worse here, I am less optimistic than you. The morons here think that the fraud is a good thing because it has benefited what they believe is beneficial politics for them. So they both deny it exists and wink as they deny it. It will take the Feds to clean up their act here, and invoke for a longer period a voter rights acts more draconian than the one in the South.

  3. K2 says:

    Love to see Trump get one of those commie dictator suits and wear it in public. The media would lose their minds.

    • Pascal says:

      Wear khaki fatigues and a beret, sport a fake beard, carry a large cigar and strut wherever he goes. LMAO

      You are dead on right! What a sight to behold!

  4. Pascal says:

    I think Ace of Spades was right to post his flaming skull gif on this one.
    flaming skull

    [Rosenstein] Threatening Congressmen with subpoenas to stop them from conducting their lawful, constitutional oversight function sounds like obstruction of justice to me.

    And it’s grounds for firing.

    I’d recommend Popcorn And Drink but for the on-going obstruction of GOPe in both Congress and DOJ.

    • Ronbo says:

      The central truth of the Trump Administration is that the smiling mask of democracy and fair play has at long last fallen is off American Leftists and their Democrat party of representation – and in its place the flaming death head of communism – which is true face of a card carrying Stalinist by the name to Rosenstein who has resisted the directives of the representatives of We The People of the United States for well over a year.

      This is treason, straight up!

      Yes, not only should “Little Rosie” be fired, the sawed off wimp commie should be tried for treason and other high crimes – and if found guilty by a jury of his peers – condemned to death and executed.

      A pity the American justice system has never allowed a traitor to be hanged, drawn and quartered.,_drawn_and_quartered

      • Pascal says:

        Rosie ain’t doing this on his own. The Dems and GOPe (but I repeat myself) have adamantly supported him so far. It wouldn’t surprise anyone to discover they’ve got him by the short hairs or to find he hanged himself one morning.

        • Ronbo says:


          My opinion for years has been to ban the Democrat Party as a dangerous criminal/terrorist/racist/totalitarian organization that represents a clear and ongoing threat to the United States of America.

          I would submit as evidence to the court that since its formation by slave owner Andrew Jackson in 1830, the history of the Democrat Party has been a sorry catalog of about every treasonous and criminal act possible against U.S. Constitution.

          Then once the Democrat leadership is arrested, convicted and (hopefully) terminated with extreme prejudice – a purge of the Republican Party take place and the same time fire from the federal bureaucracy all registered Democrats as national security risks.

          This will never happen, but I’m an incurable romantic!

          • Pascal says:

            “but I’m an incurable romantic!”

            A Hollywood ending wherein the bad guys get what they deserve.

            Back when Hollywood was acting patriotic it inculcated that in us. The old movies still do.

            Now our recoiling from the current crop of Hollyweirdos is the cure.

            • Ronbo says:

              Yeah, Hollyweird is right on!

              In the old days when we still called it “Hollywood” and the stars actually answered their fan mail and stayed away from politics, American made movies were the world standard and even ultra anti-American dictators like Hitler and Stalin liked American movies in private screenings (of course!) because German and Russian production from that era were such crap – but these days I find myself watching Russian and German movies with English subtitles because Hollyweird flicks are total crap.

              The world is turned upside down!